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No AOR after 9 weeks...


Full Member
Jun 4, 2012
Hi all,

I applied under Federal Skilled trades program and CIC got it April 25th 2014.
CC still haven't chearged yet so far, and that means no AOR...
I saw lots of people in this forum under other category (FSW or CEC) already got their AOR even after they applied in May!
I'm happy for other people, but it's making me so frustrated in the other hand. Because our current visa will expire next month in July!!!
We sent an email to Intake office, but no reply yet, and they mentioned in the automatic email that "they will reply in 20 days"...!!!

Is there anybody who applied in April and didn't get AOR??


Hero Member
Apr 18, 2014
tymks said:
Hi all,

I applied under Federal Skilled trades program and CIC got it April 25th 2014.
CC still haven't chearged yet so far, and that means no AOR...
I saw lots of people in this forum under other category (FSW or CEC) already got their AOR even after they applied in May!
I'm happy for other people, but it's making me so frustrated in the other hand. Because our current visa will expire next month in July!!!
We sent an email to Intake office, but no reply yet, and they mentioned in the automatic email that "they will reply in 20 days"...!!!

Is there anybody who applied in April and didn't get AOR??
Hey, How you doing? I applied on April 25, 2014 under CEC and i still dint get my AOR. even my bank draft hasn't been encashed yet. Lets hope for good.

Good luck


Full Member
Jun 4, 2012
Hi backendcode,

Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately, our application is back as incompeted...
I corect the problem and re-sent it today, but I need to go for different way to extend my stay now.

I hope you will get an AOR soon, I called CIC and the agent said they take 8-10 weeks to review the application at the moment.
So you must be contacted soon. Hope you a good luck!!


Hero Member
Apr 18, 2014
tymks said:
Hi backendcode,

Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately, our application is back as incompeted...
I corect the problem and re-sent it today, but I need to go for different way to extend my stay now.

I hope you will get an AOR soon, I called CIC and the agent said they take 8-10 weeks to review the application at the moment.
So you must be contacted soon. Hope you a good luck!!
Hey tymks,

Did you get your application back?


Hero Member
Apr 18, 2014
tymks said:
Yes, my application was returened to me because I made some mistake...
Thanks for your reply . I still didn't get any update yet and no bank draft charged . Hopefully I will get my application back as well but could u please share what kind of mistake u made if possible . I am pretty sure I wasn't because of missing signature .



Full Member
Jun 4, 2012
Hi, my mistake was to certify the document.
I looked for Commissioner of Oath, Notary Public, or Justis of Peace in my area on internet and the town hall came up as a Comissioner of Oath.
So I went there and got my documents certified. But it wasn't enough for CIC and I needed to go to Notary Public(who is actually a lawyer).
I hope it will work out this time.
And hope you will hear good update soon. Wish you a good luck!
