Hibernation I guess it is. Waiting isn't easy and it gets more discouraging when after just ordering my GCMS notes, I found out that a lot of processes remain 'Not Started' and my file has not been assigned to any officer since October 2013 when my file got to AVO.
Let me add that consoling ourselves that Accra is hurriedly rounding up 2011/12 set shouldn't take centre stage in our minds, because they've been doing that since say Oct. 2013 and we still have about 4 months between medicals and passport request. I'm not about discouraging us, if possible, I'll like to do the exact opposite. But you know, this I life. Some things are just not within your control. You pray, wait, pray again, then confess faith, but things just roll in at their time.
Accra isn't working against the minister or CPP-O for that matter. It's either Accra is short staffed (I inferred that from any article I read sometime ago) and the minister is aware of that or Accra has received direct instructions to take their time. The promise of one year is the statement made by a politician with precedence of failure (ask our seniors) or how will you explain a not-decreasing 31-month wait time before our CSE can be acknowledged or replied. Ask some Indians, and they will disagree with me, the more reason for the minister to be happy. I think this is based on a queue system or priority list but quite sorry folks, we are not on the top half of that list!