Folashade1 said:
Hello everyone! I just joined this forum today. I am presently putting together my papers to apply in January. I did the online evaluation and was told not eligible to apply even though I calculated my score to be 66 which is far above what is needed. Does this have to do with my lack of French knowledge or not having any ties in Quebec. Isnt it supposed to be based on point and also the government said French is no longer one of the criteria. Does anybody understand whats these contradictions? Why was I said to not be eligible.
Secondly, does Quebec have an app for the calculations. Should the eligibility test conclusion not based on the score?
French is not compulsory. I am afraid you might not be eligible if that is what you are told after doing the online assessment. However, answering the questions below might help us to evaluate your case more critically.
1. What is your area of specialization? (you can google search for "list-training.pdf" I am not allowed to post a link)
2. Are giving yourself a score under the area of specialization when your score in reality is supposed to be 0?
3. Are you single or applying with a spouse?
4. Do you have a valid IELTS result?