Thanks for your response.I am sorry I replied lately,I have being busy piling my documents and I have submitted my study permit application of 1st April cos Friday is always my lucky day ... 8)

Yes,I have genuine and arguable reason of studying ACCA in Canada comparing to Nigeria. I want to study ACCA at stouffville college in Canada. I need vast knowledge in the area of managerial operation,decision making,finanical management and strategies to administer my Business and father's company where I am one of the Directors,consequently to expand the business. I plan to study ACCA in an absolute academic environment in Canada(Stouffville college) where tution is delivered practically and theoretically. While in Nigeria,ACCA are not offered by private tuition providers where tuition are mainly based on theoretical teaching. There is no single higher institution of learning that offers ACCA on it campus. Studying ACCA in Canada gives me the opportunity to learn with International students we can learn from each others culture and tradition. I will also learn great deal of experience apart from my certificate.
@ AWODERU A.A I am proud of my brother! Keep the 9ja flag flying. Thx for ur concern. I have applied on 1st April. what is your son planning to study,which prog and which schl is he heading to?
Yes,I have sufficient fund to facilitate my prog. cos the college offered me 1 year ACCA prog.which will cost me CAD 13,855(Tuition+Accommodation+other living expenses) about #2.1 Million and I have #4Million(CAD 25,083) on my bank account with valaution of stocks valued by CSCS to be #2.6 Million(CAD 16,214). do you think I have a chance?
I have stopped studying in the academic environment since 2004 when graduated with OND in Business. I underwent 1yr Ind.training from 2004-june2005. from july,2005 to March,2008 I worked for my father's company. In May,2008 I started my Business and I am still in the biz till date with my reg. of biz document,which i have used to apply.
Though I applied for canada study visa in 2007 but I was refused. Though I was sponsored then,and there was a mistake on my acceptance letter,that the admission was conditional,which wasnt on the previous acceptance issued to me. So,the visa officer refused me on 2 factors:1. u do not satisfy me that you are a bonafide student. 2. U do not satsify me that u will return to ur country at the end of the period authorized to you. I think my condition has changed significantly,since I am now sponsoring myself and the offer letter from stouffville college is unconditional. I keep faith in God anyway!
@Habil,I will not use fake document to apply to any embassy or any organisation because I am not desperate to leave my country. I am comfortable in my Country(Insha Allah). I have good grades while study business at Diploma level with my Certificate(genuine) and I started my own business since 2008 after work experience at my father's company for 2 and half years. why will I forge document to procure visa to Canada?
@ALL,I thank you for all the criticism,comment,advice,post and I am open to more of this,as I have applied for the study permit on 1st April,2011. I will update you if I am called for interview and how things go.
Thanks all.