And guysssss,the good news keeps rolling in!I just got my UCI number!
Let me explain! I got a mail earlier,on the 15th of april stating that our application has been received and placed into processing....I thought that was my UCI number! Just found out that was a Temporary number,just until they log on your application to their data base,then they give the real UCI.I just got mine now!God is indeed wonderful!
Na ghana hand the tin dey now and God will make it happen shapp shapp.
Guysssss,pleaseeeeeee,personally speaking,let us NOT GIVE UP!! Or relent! Pleaseeeee guys. Let us keep praying and keep being good.I never ever forget the law of karma! Even if it is just doing a kind act to your neighbor,or a complete stranger. Don't know why im saying all this,maybe na joy

So good news all the way my people.positive thinking,good deeds,no negativity,abundant patience,prayers and immense favour.Amennnnnnnnnn