Hi all, big congrats to all with recent updates. The journey so far has been good and God has been faithful.

The post below is is from a post I shared with others in the 2014 Nigerian FSW applicants thread.
I actually had an interesting chat yesterday in one of the chat groups and felt I should share my thoughts from that chat with you all here on this larger platform. Hope you find it helpful as you prepare to come over to Canada;
Certification not important here as much as soft skills. It's good but not a big deal here as we have CEOs here with no degrees but who rose through the ranks. It's experience and the ability to 'fit' that matters so please prepare ment
ally and don't compare your self to others when you land.
Face your own path, ask questions, make informed choices. There are people who land and get job after 4 weeks and others who get job after 10 months. Don't be discouraged by this but be focused. Canada will test you and only those still standing after the test will smile. The opportunities are here just prepare. Some asked, 'for bankers, what do we do to get those jobs'? There's no formula other than choosing what you want and going for it thru preparation, research and effort. For bankers, you'll need to look into the CSC and IFC certifications, Google them.
Another person asked if bankers can pursue PMP to gain an entry into banking industry here. Well, bankers don't need PMP here as that's a different profession altogether. This is not like Nigeria where one person will do four or five different certifications. They (Canadians) see foreigners here with different certifications as unfocused and unreliable employees. If you are a shoe, please be a shoe and not also a pant. That's the truth.
So please don't waste your time chasing papers. Research one path, face that one and establish your self there, www.dat's all.
My bro KSA chose to go towards Lean management profession and channeled his energy in that direction. He has focused his job search in that area.
Soon, he will see results and be settled, amen. Same goes for kollins who's pursuing his passion in his own way.
I left my accounting degree and banking/internal audit experience behind to face Business Analysis here. I did my research back home and trained in it when I landed privately. Getting a job is not automatic for everybody, it's a gradual process. I'm just getting interviews calls after 3 months, God be praised. I may not be the best but I'm also not the worst. I stayed confident and focused.
The point is do your homework, be prepared and stay focused with patience. If you are the hurrying type, please Canada is not for you. This place, you will see 'something' if you don't calm down.
So husbands, please love your wife when you get here. Wives, please love your husbands. Couples, support each other truly and truly when you get here. Singles, please face your front squarely once you land. Everyone should note that 'counting bridge' is very expensive here, it drains POF.
When you start earning dollars, you can loosen up and flex a bit. Don't pay attention to pressure from home.
People will be asking you, 'how far? Have you settled down? Do you have job yet?' Just ignore those annoying questions. Nobody asks the tree if it has fruit, you will see it when time is right. Of course it's is good to ask after those who have traveled but do it 'with sense' or sensibly. People are passing through great things here so respect them and respect your self. Be sensitive and ask questions sensitively. In Canada, they don't like direct questions, I mean true Canadians so begin to learn the culture.
We do things here 'with sense'. When you get an answer to your questions, read between the lines and face your front. No need to be looking for details. It's really not your business how anyone is doing. As also said by KSA, the race is not a sprint but jeje, do your marathon and maintain your lane.
Final note, pray... pray and pray. It is God that settles us here, not friends or relatives or chat group or forum.
I wish you all the best as you search yourselves and prepare to come, God bless. Kindly share this with others Smiley
P.s. If you send me a PM and I'm slow to respond, please bear with me. I'm 'settling down' and will get back to you when I can