Good morning great minds,
I wanna thank God for the gift of life and for the various favourable and positive updates all around.
I wish us all expectant for one form or the other of positive updates to receive same soonest. Like our Chancellor (Sir Henry Akpors) will always say, 'Patience pays' (no be Dame Patience Jonathan ooo)

Let's continue to endure the wait.
Let's all continue to keep the faith, believing that God that has done that of other will surely and definitely do 'ours' too.
As I prophesy into the lives of the FSWP 2013, I pray that the remainder of the seniors yet to receive their various updates get them ASAP. FSWP 2014, are you guys ready... Please do the needful ASAP and submit your docs!
We're battle ready... The Lord is leading us on!
Wonderful day to us all!