To the glory of God Almighty, the only one that is worthy of all praises, honour and adoration, the journey that started last year reach a conclusive end on the 19th September 2011.
The special ‘ugwu leaf' is dedicated to all great Nigerians on this forum whose tremendous demonstration of love has continued to baffled and amaze me. My sincere acknowledgment goes to:
Naija pikin- Truly a man of his words ,a man with a large heart, he was there with me throughout the whole process, even when the application was returned, he NEVER complain for once despite several calls to him even at ‘odd' hours, always ready to help. Thanks for giving me strength, courage and determination to carry on. Thank you so much sir.
Madam ig- My lovely aunt and friend. Thank you so much for the support especially during the ‘trying' are blessed. Your patience is about to pay off. It's closer than you think. Thank you ma.
EMO- You really surprised me with your kind gestures, I pray God will continue to bless you, you will be surprised with MR and ‘Ugwu' leaf very soon.
Barsindoo- My ‘technical adviser'. Thanks for shedding light on those technical questions; you bailed me out on so many occasions with your intelligent advice. Thank you so much.
Tinuadebola- Your deed and kind gesture will forever remain in my heart. Thank you ma.
Right- I hail you sir, I really appreciate you. You contribution towards the success of the application will not be forgotten.
Egrace62-Thanks for your input, wishing you happy landing in Montréal. Have a wonderful stay, you are blessed.
Ind_dan- Thanks for the contribution, wishing you safe landing in Winnipeg.
VOA-Thanks so much for your kindness and understanding, you are appreciated.
My ‘twin brother'
Drmoney,thanks for all those words of encouragement. You are blessed.
Spokes- Though it tarries, it shall surely come to pass, do not be discouraged, it's definitely on its way, and you shall surely get it. Thank you, you are truly appreciated.
Eljo-Thank you sir for the encouragement. You are appreciated.
Seglad-Thanks for your ‘Fatherly' advice, God bless you and your family.
iii-thanks for you input and the words of encouragements.
My co- recipient of the special ‘ugwu' leaf -
jada and
opesin, nice meeting you guys, I really enjoyed our short stay together.
My regards to
Iomokorede, MOT,
kcsider, Dydx,
the jackson,
emmy_est,omo Naija,ladapo4luv,isy
In all, I want to say a BIG thank you to EVERYBODY who has contributed in one way or the other to make this ‘journey' a success, I remain humble for what God has done, what a ‘wedding anniversary gift' for us from Accra. Pardon me if names were omitted, this is CERTAINLY not deliberate.
Sometimes I don't know whether to laugh, dance, cry or ---------, for what God has done in our lives, it came at the time WE NEEDED IT MOST. Thank you Lord Jesus, I glorify and adore you for your faithfulness, mercy and divine favour.
