My people, make una helep me thank God o....i had earlier thougt that i have the job after the resumption call i got after my interview.... but atlass i was wrong..... (cos yday which is 2days ago Nigeria time) all 6 new recruits were greeted to an unexpected 2hrs test/exam after our 48hours paid training... and i really thank God say all of us na olodo we be

but even where 6 olodos take exam, na one of them go still carry first

;D ;D... with the test we were shortlisted to 3 and i . thank God say i was able to make the cut...
my biometrics was taken and in 20minutes i have my electronic pass to gain access into the office complex...aside for the guaranteed based salary per hour which is more than $10 but less than $13, i was informed of other daily financial bonuses i am entitled to get based on my performance,i got my work tools and soon i was placed on the DIALLING Floor...
my duty is to make out-Bound calls to clients and all i will tell these client has been written in a computer screen in front of me.. i will have to scroll throgh 8pages and read to the customer as well as surfing 2ru company site at the same time for to make refernce if the client is asking question.. i have a target for the nos of dial i must make in an hour and for quality control purposes, all call are being recorded for to see if i will qualify for any bonus.... the hard part is that the screen contanis not only things that i am to tell the customer, it also contains instructions to me the agent as a note.... and u need to see aw i missed up greatly on my first day... i would av stated reading something that i am not supposed to read b4 i realised it and i was just stuterring birro is allowed in d calling centre so that we wont steal clients information hence its really difficult. i only got one clean call on my first day out of my daily target of 16 clean calls.... other newbies had 3, anoda 5
one of the newbies even ended up telling a customer: that Thank you very much for calling XXXXXXX when in actual fact she was the one who called the customer since we are on the outbound terminal....
my second day was ok, am now aving confidence and i av memorized some of the pages.... i had 10 clean calls out of 16daily targets....
but believe u me, its kinda of boring sitting from 10am-5pm calling, monday 2ru friday.... i guess it is a change i have to get used to cos i have always worked as a field person driving and spending most time criss-crossing terrain but i av to bring myself to the reality of this change :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X :-X. this na d bit for my end ooo... time to go sleep..
and for those calling customer care lines plsease be kind to those on the other end of the line o... make una no dey yab them o.. i beg..... cos e easy make i no talk anothet thing