Please all answers would be appreciated. I'm on the PR stage for my PNP nomination (Manitoba ). I would really like to find out about Job opportunities for people with background in Marketing (Bsc)and Management( Msc, First of all, go to, Find out what jobs are availabel to someone with your skill set and experience and find out what the requirements are. This is the best way to know if the job market will be favorable to you. If you don't see anything that matches your skill st and experience level, you have your answer about job opportunities. There's no other magic to it, it is the vacancies that are posted that reflect what is available
Will any certification related to this two disciplines help me to break into the Job sector. As you are reviewing the job psotings, make note of the certifications they are asking for if any. Most jobs will not require any certification to enter, Canadians are not certificate crazy, it is work experience that separates the wheat from the chaff here. It is as you climb hegher that certification coupled with experience that sets one apart. Ensure you review the particular certifications that are relevant in Canada, it is not one-size-fits all that is accepted here
I also have a post graduate diploma in Mental Health Nursing acquired from the UK, but have sworn not to do anything with the healthcare sector as I find it draining, demanding and risky. Pleaseanswers would be welcomed as I want to start preparing myself before hand