Jodav3, Biolah, Emo, Lizman Gracetrust, wole cash, Donwin4real, floxy, Afewgoodmen, headyman, kolemn, Candidladyval, tangowisky, kit01, Extreme, StellaM, Emmy_est, babakura I say thank you all. Ekundapsy my personal person where are you?
I want to advice those of us that were asked for another POF at MR stage to know that if they move in large sum of money into the account, they might be asked to explain how they get the money with the originals of the supporting documents .I was asked to do it.
This week will be a week of abundance of rain for all PPR hopefuls (Jodav3, alfpharm, kolemn, et al ) and to all MR hopefuls headyman and co.
Once again, thank you all.