Please read, especially those that do not have relatives or friends to see them through the first few weeks in canada. I got it from Quorax thread. Enjoy
WHICH CITY TO LAND? -for FSW without AEO & friends/relatives
My opinion: TORONTO.
-It has a bigger job basket, for any occupation. Thus, the share is bigger -so the opportunities are larger.
-Weather wise, it is not that bad. Perfectly manageable even in winters or summers.
-Cost of living wise, quite Ok too -quite compititive vis-a-vis the other deciding factors.
-The higest minority populace. Ppl are extremely tolerant to race, color, creed, faith etc.
-Land there first, take a 'survival job', which'll be easier here & move to any city after getting the choice job.
-Important: It's not the profession of a newcomer, but the initial survival that'd be the decider for a city.
Very aptly said by others before on this forum. It's the best city weather wise & has a charmed beauty. Quite nice minority populace, yes -Indians rock here. But, better avoided.
-No or minimal jobs today for any field. (note: the winter olympics thing is temp)
-The costliest city to settle down.
-Housing costs are sky rocketting.
-Not at all a good choice for a newcomer, w/out AOE or friends/relatives support.
-What's the point of all that beauty, if u do not have money in ur pocket?
Very nicely coming-up. Weather is cold, but adjustable [Edmonton needs adaptation though]. Has the 'rockies' to enhance its beauty. A perfect alternative to Vancouver. But:
-Newcomers should take it as a 2nd choice to Toronto. Due to the factors I said under Toronto.
-Damn good for establishing a business. (no provincial tax)
-Essentially a befitting place for Oil & Gas sector, which also makes other jobs available in their HOs.
-But remember again: For newcomer jobs, take Toronto as POE.
There is nothing wrong in other Canadian cities. But this post is meant for newcomers, looking for instant jobs, not for business; and for those who do not have an AOE or freinds/relatives to initially assist. Else, any other city has its own merits/demerits.
Ps: I have visited all the above cities. But my views are based on limited info. The actual residents, who are on this forum, might have a better opinion.