This argument is 100% correct. I mean 3 years PGWP is certain. The GAS results in 2 years program through credit transfer. If you have done a post graduate program in Canada, you can transfer to any of the colleges that offer GAS to earn a two year diploma program. Its just like you transfer to complete a diploma program (GAS). Many colleges offer that and I have never seen any person that earned less than 3 years. The only problem with GAS is that there is nothing to learn in terms of knowledge. But if you are only interested in 3 years PGWP, then go for it. At the end of the program which last for 4 months and not even 6 months, the college will issue you a certificate that shows you have met the requirements of the two years program. When you are applying for PGWP, you need to include the transcript of your PG which you previously earned. Hope you are cleared.