Hey Family! great to hear some good news on monday, looking forward to more for the rest of the week! Sanchester, i read your story about hubby, my heart just sunk, i hope he is coping better this week..
Propers have taking there love to the forum.. humm uhmmm awesome you too, stay strong, loving what i see! island_girl.. yippi for you honey!
I sent my letter to CIC regarding med expiry.. hoping to see some action on my tracker this week! Ebony so glad to hear you had a great time with hubby, hope to hear more good news from you... pp pick up/baby!!!!!!
sounds like lilmaya.. neva got her moment with Cham.. sorry for your loss! lol and your wallet! Im gonna go to ked's place for jerk fest...seems cheaper
LW, life is sounding lovely... Jahlove.. how you doing girl..
how are my posh's?
Mrs. Shaw good morning! SQ? hope your doing great! who i miss>>>