So far it does seems to be like an honest endeavor. government is practically trying hard and as per their election platform they are doing what they said/promised to Canadians(at least that is how i think or consume this issue) . yeah a plus minus in the timeline/time frame or Numbers is no big deal or issue. all my arguments were about the attitude of some people here who try to discriminate refugees and put all the burden of problem on the shoulders of refugees.
So according to your story refugees were safe back there and they had not threat to their lives, and they came to Canada for better perks or life style.
As we are talking about Syrian refugees here, then you must be knowing that none of them are/were airlifted from Syria. Canada has picked and choose Syrian refugees who were living in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey etc. (they were already living as a refugee at a safe place outside syria). Moreover if we go further into the details then majority of these refugees are under the privately sponsored refugee program. (means majority of them will be taken care by their sponsors in term of food, accommodation and settlement). the rest of syrian refugees are those who do not have relative or a sponsor are brought to canada Under the Government-Assisted Refugees (GAR) Program, such refugees are
referred to Canada for resettlement by the UNHCR etc. (
plz also note that these individuals cannot apply directly to Canadian government). the later category (GAR) are those who receive support from government and
it is an obligation to provide them a support in all terms of settlement.
If they came here through style immigration avenues such as skilled worker, business, etc.. it really makes sense. But if someone comes to Canada as a refugee seeking better life style (with eminent threat) it defeats the purpose.
Please correct your knowledge that like any other available legit/lawful Canadian immigration category This immigration program/category is also a fully legal/legit immigration category which Canadian immigration had for many many years. I really cannot understand why people think that it is only skilled worker or business immigration which should be considered as a legal or a style immigration avenue which makes sense.???? ( btw i know many who had the opinion that skill workers in true sense leave their home countries purely for better perks or life style, their own home country needs their skills but they prefer to leave due to their selfishness approach). Yes if these Government-Assisted Refugees (explained above about GAR program) have being brought to canada/ or they have choose to accept the offer of a better perk or life style then whats wrong in it?? at the first place canada officially gave them this assurance and commitment of a better life and that they will be supported until they are able to support themselves.
However looking at your comments from another perspective, I don't think those refugees were completely ignored. How would you assume providing accommodation in a hotel for 3 weeks is ignorance. In the luxury ship in discussion , you can't expect everyone to be in first class rooms in a day or two.
i am not against the hotel stay nor i have any objection or doubt about the actions which the goverment is taking to help them settle in canada smoothly. Agreed that you can't expect everyone to be in first class rooms in a day or two.
Let me repeat my point/stance again:
- "We should never forget about being human beings i know it will take time and forsure Canada will help them by all means..but some people here dont spare a chance in making fun, cursing and abusing the refugees...which is wrong..infact inhuman".
-If They are feeling hopeless and they have complaints then still it doesn't mean that anyone of us shud start commenting in a way like they are unwanted creatures in Canada. (e.g....need a detached family mansion where your toddlers can chase squirrels for FREE!)
- they came here as a permanent residents of Canada with a commitment to be helped...then why to comment on their complaints in such a way which gives an impression of singling them out.
- as a citizen, if someone have every right to determine where his tax dollars go (although some people here think they are the only one who pay taxes). then as Permanent resident of Canada these refugees have a full right to ask for what they were officially promised to be given. (yes things gets delayed everyone understands this).
I think this is what really happened.. . The captain and few officers invited the people without the majority support of the crew. The captain had a poor plan and the ship was not ready. On the other hand caption lied to his crew for his own gain. So things started to go wrong.
That's the interesting part of the story cuz its related to politics..

let me fix the story

Months back when the ship had no plan to offer anything to the survivors living on the fisherman's boat, the tenure of the previous Captain was about to end. All the ship patrons/occupants was to decide who will be the next captain of the ship. a few candidates came forward, among the candidates a young man who was the only person who talked in the favor of the "survivors of the fisherman's boat", he clearly told every one that he will go for them and give them a better life he think they are humans and they also deserve a better life. almost all the other candidates were against this idea. Majority of the ship's occupant liked this and offer him a full support. finally majority of the people voted in his favor and he became the new captain of the ship. As soon as the new Captain got the charge, he turned his ship towards the fisherman's boat, he reached there and offer the survivors a better life.
The Captain and the Ship both are more than ready...these are just 25000 people. this ship has a track record of accepting almost 250,000 people on an average intake each year. The problem is only with few percentage of the occupants of the ships who are either jealous of something or just lost their minds...they only picture this issue in such a way that it looked like a worst situation and they always feel pleasure in discriminating the refugees and are always ready to send them back.
for detailed facts:
As a side note I have met more than 100 "refugees", but majority made up stories and some even used fake identities). This is a know secret in Canada as how easily the system can be beaten.
I am not trying to say everyone is fake, but personally that's my experience. I am not against at all for any honest needy person getting help.
I dont agree with this that majority of the refugee make up false stories or identities, in other words if you want to say that the canadian immigration system is so weak and it does not have the capability to verify or differetiate between a fake and real identity, story or a person,,, Then sorry to say
HOW CAN YOU JUSTIFY THE CREDIBILITY/GENUINTY OF THE MAJORITY COMING TO CANADA AS SKILL WORKERS, SPOUSE, BUSINESS or other immigration categories, arnt they being processed by the same immigration department? PERIOD...if you can understant this logic.
My dear yes i agree a few people do play with the immigration system no matter which immigration category they are using.( sorry to say.. now here again you have singled out refugees as they are the only experts in the world who can get fake identities). many here on this forum might be knowing many skill workers, family sponsors, business category etc etc who used fake identity or are completely fake.
- you might also find many many examples where The company offering the position has no intention to hire the immigrant when they arrive, but is being paid to offer the job.
- fake jobs to get work permits and finaly being a Proud Skill worker and finally a citizen.
- marriages done solely for the sake of settelment in canada
- Fake relatioship, adoption for sponsorships.
- Fake students.
- Fake experience letters to show work experience for immigration purposes.
- falsified investment documentation.
- Fake birth certificates to get maximum points for age.
- Fake birth certificates to be eligible for family sponsorship.
- Hidden criminality.
- Hidden multiple marriages.
- Had come to canada as a Proud doctor BUT is now driving a taxi for the last 10 years.
- Got PR status as skill worker but only comes to canada for vacation (to fulfill PR obligation) some just show fake documents to show their existence in canada.
You can add many more such fraud examples yourself...if you try to experience people other than just refugees.
all the 100 refugees you met might look like frauds because thats what you have heard or have the impression about them. In reality now in this era it is not so easy to play with immigration systems of the world best countries.
Now lets asume that as per your thinking majority of the refugees are fake (means 80percent). obviously it means that the system is not capable and almost the same percentage of fake people must be present in other categories. IF canada has an total intake of 250,000 new immigrants in all categories every year then let me do a maths:-
refugees are approx 23000 every year (average from the last 10 years)
assuming majority (80%) are fraud refugees which means 18400 fraud people enters into canada as a refugee
Now other categories approx 227,000
ok to make you happy lets consider this category as nice people and perfect angels and lets assume only 15 percent of them are fraud, which makes 34050 fraud people entering into Canada through so called style immigration venues
..lolz Brother be more worried about the other categories as they are more in numbers and have more rights as per some users here...
At the end i would like to say:
Rest assure that being eligible for or getting accepted as a convention refugee has some of the most difficult and toughest criteria/requirements.
TRY it yourself if you want to experience it...