I have no idea. I initially thought maybe they didn't read all my documents and they assumed the visit is for less than 15 days but after checking the application, I can see it asks for the visit duration and I set it for 6 months. I also provided a very detailed letter of explanation (LOE) to explain our plan and travel purpose. Just to make sure, I have attached the same LOE to the webform enquiry.
three other potential reasons come to my mind:
- maybe they expect a detailed quarantine plan as mentioned on the website. But I assumed this is only required when you on-board the flight or at the borders.
- I followed the instruction and set purpose of travel to "Others" and added "COVID-19" to the description as mentioned under "If you need to apply for a visitor visa" instructions on this page: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/coronavirus-covid19/apply-visit-work-student.html. This was required before for all travellers who had to have an essential travel purpose but maybe it is not applicable to immediate family now and adding those wordings directed the application to the wrong team or triggered an automated response.
- I read that the current restrictions are due to expire on 30 June so maybe the plan is to left them after that date and the VOs are just holding our applications until then.
I used marriage certificate + my PRTD as I'm currently outside Canada.
Personally, I will just proceed with the biometrics as planned and just wait and see how it goes.