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New System will have RQ or no?


Champion Member
Jun 27, 2011
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They say all applications will be processed within 1 year. So do they mean we won't have non-routine applications any more?


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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tiarachel85 said:
They say all applications will be processed within 1 year. So do they mean we won't have non-routine applications any more?
There will be Non-routine applications, but the chances are that they will not collect dust for a long time like the situation with the old pathetic rules.


Hero Member
May 25, 2010
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There will be plenty of IQ's sent, I would think. Intent( to Reside) Questionnaire...
The CO need to be given some work to justify their paychecks...


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
The new requirements will probably discourage some, perhaps many, from applying for citizenship even though they do not qualify. Not everyone will be dissuaded. Gaming the system has been prevalent since there was a system and will always be present so long as there is a system. So, for example, the fraud will need to be a little more sophisticated. More than a few will think they are up to the task. And there will be others fudging just a bit here and there, hoping to slide by.

So CIC will undoubtedly still screen to identify risk indicators constituting, in CIC's perspective, a reason-to-question-residency. The extent of information sharing available, especially with the CRA, may diminish the need for a full blown RQ, so there may be more CIT 0520 type requests rather than RQs, but there is likely to still be RQ for residency cases.

And of course there will continue to be other reasons for cases to be non-routine, ranging from fingerprint requests to confirm identity to issues regarding criminal charges, probation, or such affecting the residency calculation or outright constituting a prohibition.

Perhaps liars and cheats and others employing fraudulent means to obtain Canadian citizenship will all give up the effort entirely, and so there will be minimal reason for RQs . . . but I doubt CIC is counting on that happening. In fact, the new form looks like CIC is headed in the direction of more verification not less.


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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The RQs will be issued more efficiently only to those who deserve it.

Very good news that now they will conduct more direct backstage checks 8)


Champion Member
Jun 27, 2011
Job Offer........
But then what will be difference between routine & non-routine if they both have processing time of 1 year?


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
tiarachel85 said:
But then what will be difference between routine & non-routine if they both have processing time of 1 year?
Reminder: processing times are not definitive, not rule governed, not mandatory.

They are at best a guideline of probability. Mostly a forecast, not a promise. No guarantees.

And just as it has long, long been the case, in most types of applications processed by CIC, stuff can happen, issues may arise, which will tip the process off the routine track into . . . well, the thing is, non-routine cases are NOT routine, so there is no routine description of how it will go, let alone a definitive timeline.

What is non-routine itself varies extensively, ranging from some rather minor issues (most fingerprint requests) to far more complicated and serious ones (applications deemed, by CIC, as potential residency fraud cases for example).

In practice, in the past and this is likely to continue into the future, there has been a big variety in what constitutes non-routine processing. The impact of being non-routine is likely to continue to vary extensively. Some applicants, for example, will still get a fingerprint request. In the past, while this tipped the application into the non-routine category, it did not necessarily result in anywhere near the delay that other non-routine cases suffered.

Overall, the somewhat promised one year processing time is indeed merely this government's unenforceable promise, of sorts one might add. That said, the majority of applicants will probably see significantly shorter timelines than even a year. This has been true for awhile. My processing timeline was barely eight months, and that was a summer 2013 application, oath long before winter 2014 eased.