Hi Habil,
New rules that take effect on June 1, 2014, make it easier for study permit holders to work off campus. Full-time students pursuing an academic, professional or vocational training program at a designated learning institution will be:
eligible to work off campus without a work permit;
allowed to work off campus for up to 20 hours per week during a regular academic session and full time during regularly scheduled breaks; and
able to work off campus immediately rather than waiting six months.
To be able to work in Canada, however, you must be registered and enrolled at your designated learning institution, and you must get a Social Insurance Number from Service Canada.
On June 1, 2014, if you hold a study permit and a work permit under the Off-Campus Work Permit Program, you may continue to work off campus under your existing Off-Campus Work Permit.
On June 1, 2014, if you hold a study permit and you have applied for but not yet received your Off-Campus Work Permit, you should wait for your work permit application to be processed and begin working off campus once you have received your Off-Campus Work Permit.
On June 1, 2014, if you hold a study permit but you have not yet applied for an Off-Campus Work Permit, you are authorized to work off campus without a work permit as long as you meet the eligibility requirements for working off campus.
If you apply for a study permit on or after June 1, 2014, the conditions relating to your eligibility to work off-campus will be written on your study permit.
I do not know what will be the exact process of SIN, but as per government website, they say, there is no fee from June 1, 2014 onwards. They will stop plastic production, and instead provide a SIN number in paper format.