From whining straight to bragging. You're that kind of person if you well set you oughta be treated differently. Why did you immigrate to canada in the first place?yazmost said:Thank you all for your response guys, really appreciate it. I Just wanna make it clear I came to Canada from USA as I said before. I"m a US citizen. I didn't come from underdeveloped country as you guys think unless you consider USA is underdeveloped country. Even if from 5th world countries, do they have right to say their opinion or they have to be silent and just be grateful that they are in Canada?
Canada is not anyone's home country the whole country is less than 250 years old and we know who is the real owner of the land. I really don't understand some people talk as Canada is their moms and dads country and they are the real owners! all they get to say GO HOME....
I'm not living on financial aids or anything. I pay taxes here and last year, I paid over 37K taxes although I worked only 7 months, so I pay taxes more than medical insurance you think about. for 2.8 years in Canada I swear, I never been to a hospital as a patient. Me or anyone in my family get sick, I know what over the counter medication to get no need to go to hospital or doctors at all.
I'm serious about it, I'm willing to PM my notice of assessment for 2014 after removing personal info.. but in return, I need yours too. Not everyone in Canada came here to live on financial aids, people come to Canada from Japan, from Switzerland, from Finland, USA and also from poor countries and honestly those who are coming form poor countries or were poor back home, they have no problem staying forever or signing that they will live in Canada to death coz they have nothing to lose back home right?
I asked couple of questions. I just hope for an answer not just if you don't like Canada go out of Canada to your underdeveloped country. We sold all our assets in States to come here and that simply you asking me go back home. Most of the increase in population comes from immigration YES but again the big question why do people have to sign the intention to stay in Canada if that was the case as you said?
Which country in the world that says you have to stay here to keep your citizenship? Please give me one?
I had been in the medical field in USA for 8 years and when I came here they not only asked me to go to school but they want me to go do English tests which I did.
16 years old has to study for citizenship test. I have to ask my son, don't study your math and prepare for the citizenship test "welcome to Canada" book?
We are all Canadian and if we really love it, we shouldn't agree on 2 different categories of citizens as this will really have huge impact on those 2 different citizens relationship ahead. I'm sure people will ask each other which type of citizens are you? are of those stranded or free to go anywhere?
yazmost said:This law makes two different citizens. First class ones who can travel, study, get jobs, retire, or die abroad and second degree citizens who are supposed to get PR and then get citizenship and sign that they have to stay in Canada to keep their citizenship! I am asking which country in the world that says you have to stay here to keep your citizenship. even tyrant governments won't do that!
Canada has been adopting immigration system for more than 50 years yet, the population is still 30 million!! isn't that really wired? people come to Canada get citizenship then leave..... a real caring government should really ask why people leave Canada after getting citizenship? that's the big question? the more you push people and enforce more illogical laws like this one, the more people will think and act actively to move out of Canada!! Why USA is not having the same problem? why USA is not asking citizens to sign a "contract" to stay in the US? Why USA is still more better option than Canada for immigrants although I admit Canada is much better than USA. BTW, I lived in both and I can me a really informative decision here.
I can't believe that my son who is an honorable student with straight A+ can't get a scholarship to go study in USA or England or even Japan! while other students who are less then him can go for a scholarship simply coz the parents came before my son's "parent" consequently, the new law didn't apply to them or were born Canadian or or or....
If this law comes into effect, they only losing one is CANADA not the new immigrants.
No one said you were from an underdeveloped country before you posted this.yazmost said:Thank you all for your response guys, really appreciate it. I Just wanna make it clear I came to Canada from USA as I said before. I"m a US citizen. I didn't come from underdeveloped country as you guys think unless you consider USA is underdeveloped country. Even if from 5th world countries, do they have right to say their opinion or they have to be silent and just be grateful that they are in Canada?
polara69 said:You are having a laugh? Do you know what suffer means? It gets me up the wall if so called people from underdeveloped countries come here, get all the nice things, healthcare etc etc and then call that suffer? You have the right to leave Canada at any time.
Era2015 never stated you were from a 3rd world country.yazmost said:Hi Era2015, thanks for analyzing my personality that soon. You are amazing. When you speak to someone you don't know you just jumped to conclusion that he/she comes from a poor 3rd world country and he/she is living on financial aid on Canada and if he/she doesn't like then GO BACK home ;D. When I explain to you my situation and I'm not not on financial aid, or I'm not benefiting AT ALL from medical insurance, in fact I'm part of your medical insurance, then you jump again saying that I'm bragging ;D.....
His/her original big question was why are so many people leaving Canada after they get citizenship. He/she then used the evidence of the population of Canada only being 30 million. As I rightly pointed out to him/her, the population of Canada is growing rapidly, especially for a developed country. And a big reason for this is immigration. Thus it seems many people are staying after they get citizenship!era1521 said:From whining straight to bragging. You're that kind of person if you well set you oughta be treated differently. Why did you immigrate to canada in the first place?
You struggle to leave the impression that you were thriving in US too.
Anyway, what was you were asking again?
And try to focus, nobody is asking you to sign any contract for living forever in Canada after getting the citizenship. And you'll not lose the canadian citizenship if decide to live in another country after acquiring it; another country like US perhaps. That would be the natural path.
era1521 said:That statement is not true. Intent to reside is assessed during the citizenship process; after you granted citizenship it cant be revoked if live outside Canada.
There is no "contract you" sign to get citizenship.
Anything else you mentioned, is just frustration; i find it hard to believe a student performance is in any way impaired by parents status. But if you say so....
Read this.. very simple and easy to understand.yazmost said:I apologize for era2015 and anyone that I just upset, but honestly it's no good at all jut talking to people with the mentality of go back home and you are here on financial aids and benefiting from medical insurance!
Again the big question was not answered. Why for example USA the Canadian southern neighbor doesn't do that?
Give me one country that asks you to sign an intention to stay in the country when you get or apply to your citizenship... plz, give me ONE!
With all due respect to your information the growth of Canada population is one of the least in the world!! even real Canadian leave Canada and find a more worm place to retire in a lot of Canadians buy houses in the US as you know the US market is wayyyy down now. If you look at his link it compares USA, Japan, UK. Please make your math and calculate the percentage of grown. USA population has doubled since 1960 till 2014!! that was my point, the more you put in force those laws the more people will work actively to get out of here.. Look at Japan percentage population, it almost double Canadian rate, look at the UK one still more than Canadian..... Again Canadian government needs to touch the raw nerve for this problem rather than enforcing laws like that!! I had to live in Canada with family for 2 years without a single day of work just to pass my license exams........ a British professor immigrated to Canada and they asked him to do English exams and then do 2-3 years in school although his books are being taught in UBC. It came in the news how come British professor his book being taught in Canadian pharmacy school go to study his books and do English exams assessment!!
I see it shame on Canada and some so called "Canadians" to support that or argue about it and IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GET THE H OUT OF HERE GO BACK TO YOUR 5TH WORLD COUNTRY. WE PAY YOUR MEDICAL INSURANCE FROM OUR TAXES.....
Regards all,
its era1521, but who cares on shades, lol.yazmost said:I apologize for era2015 and anyone that I just upset, but honestly it's no good at all jut talking to people with the mentality of go back home and you are here on financial aids and benefiting from medical insurance!
Again the big question was not answered. Why for example USA the Canadian southern neighbor doesn't do that?
Give me one country that asks you to sign an intention to stay in the country when you get or apply to your citizenship... plz, give me ONE!
With all due respect to your information the growth of Canada population is one of the least in the world!! even real Canadian leave Canada and find a more worm place to retire in a lot of Canadians buy houses in the US as you know the US market is wayyyy down now. If you look at his link it compares USA, Japan, UK. Please make your math and calculate the percentage of grown. USA population has doubled since 1960 till 2014!! that was my point, the more you put in force those laws the more people will work actively to get out of here.. Look at Japan percentage population, it almost double Canadian rate, look at the UK one still more than Canadian..... Again Canadian government needs to touch the raw nerve for this problem rather than enforcing laws like that!! I had to live in Canada with family for 2 years without a single day of work just to pass my license exams........ a British professor immigrated to Canada and they asked him to do English exams and then do 2-3 years in school although his books are being taught in UBC. It came in the news how come British professor his book being taught in Canadian pharmacy school go to study his books and do English exams assessment!!
I see it shame on Canada and some so called "Canadians" to support that or argue about it and IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GET THE H OUT OF HERE GO BACK TO YOUR 5TH WORLD COUNTRY. WE PAY YOUR MEDICAL INSURANCE FROM OUR TAXES.....
Regards all,