I applied for student visa in 2013 for a bachelor program 4 years i got the visa in sep. 2013 i couldn't travel at that time now i want to get a program in sep. 2014 actually i want to get another program which is 1 year post graduate certificate, knowing that i still didn't get the real study permit i only have the visa on the passport, i have 2 acceptance letters 1 for the 1 year program and another for the 4 years both for 2014
which acceptance i should show at the border of entry? i'm confused about this if i show the one year i would seem non genuine
knowing that there is new regulations will be added
which acceptance i should show at the border of entry? i'm confused about this if i show the one year i would seem non genuine
knowing that there is new regulations will be added
Current regulations New regulations, as of June 1, 2014 Applicants must show that they intend to pursue studies in Canada when applying for a study permit. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New regulations, as of June 1, 2014 Applicants must enrol in and continue to pursue studies in Canada. Failure to do so could lead to removal from Canada |