i am june applicant i am also with ucooolideal said:we should go for petition..
i am june applicant i am also with ucooolideal said:we should go for petition..
https://www.change.org/p/kathleen-weil-request-to-exempt-2015-2016-intake-applicants-on-modifications-to-the-weighting-of-qswp?recruiter=289509137&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylinkchrisbebop said:petitions.parl.gc.ca/en/Home/Index
who make a online petitions?
Please don't misleading the users, this petition clearly mention for all of us as below... ....so if your heart also beating... So please sign the petition for yourself and for all of us.....Nykro said:I don't think any Cap-exempt applicat should sign that petition. These June/August applicats only paid 800 Dollars and they think they deserve a better life for it. Yet we Cap-exempt are students/workers already in Quebec and have already contributed to the Quebec economy.
It's sad Cap-exempt were not mentioned.