Warning: Long post
(PSA, Formerly NSO)
Hi, everyone!

I just want to help future applicants out here and remind you a little that you also have to request your Advisory on Marriage. You need to submit it together with the entire application. I've noticed that some do not know what is an AOM and that it should be submitted as well.
AOM is like Cenomar for married people. Request for Cenomar at the PSA or thru their website, and if you are married, they will give you an Advisory on Marriage instead.
This will save you time instead of waiting for CIC to request it from you.
Since you have your CENOMAR before you apply for the marriage license, you can also submit that; CIC will discard or return it to you if they think CENOMAR is not needed.
Request the AOM right after the release of your Marriage Certificate. You can
(not that YOU SHOULD) request AOM both for the sponsor and the applicant. After requesting for both, you should have two separate AOMs, one for you, one for the sponsor. Yes, there are cases that AOM for the sponsor is requested, too. I believe you can get the AOM the same day you request it. But it depends, some took 10 days before they had it. As for me, I requested mine online and took 2 to 3 days to have it delivered at home. When I requested for my hubby's AOM at the PSA office, I got it on the same day.
Also make sure you submit the sponsor's Birth Certificate along with the application.
Click this if you like to request your PSA Certificates online:
PSA Website
Good luck and God bless, everyone!
I hope this helps.