Sous02 said:
Do not be so quick to dismiss this persons point about using the conservatives. While they are in no position to talk about their record they are the best hope for keeping the liberals accountable for their promises. Sometimes hypocrisy can be in your favor. After allowing so many refugees in the liberals do not want to look like they are keeping families apart.
couldn't have said it better myself.
for example, does anyone remember
this news story about the DND spending $6.4 million on renovating army bases that were meant to temporarily house Syrian refugees? it turns out the bases were never used, and it was members of the conservative opposition that brought this to light and grilled McCallum and Sajjan over it. we all know it's actually a smear campaign under the pretense of keeping the liberals accountable for their promises, but hey, i could care less about what their true intention is as long as it keeps the liberals on the right path. we don't have to like the conservatives or agree with what they've done in the past; we're only using them to achieve our own goal, i.e. pressuring the new government into fulfilling their promise of speeding up family reunification.