I got a job in less than two weeks after landing and in the same field of my profession. I am a physical therapist working as a physical therapy assistant while working out my license to practice.
What did I do?
Before landing:
1. Learn about credentialing in your profession. It differs for every profession in every province. I started two years before landing.
2. Identify provinces/areas where your job is most in need. In my case I knew that it was Ontario so I concentrated there.
3. A few months before landing, I sent out my resume to every clinic I could find in the province of Ontario... and even a few in Alberta just in case.
Canadians are friendly and accommodating. I got replies, both promising and not. I just kept at it and finally ended up with a few interviews.
4. Timed my landing towards the end of summer where most jobs are open.
After landing:
1. I confirmed the dates for the few interviews I got. I went to all of them and finally decided to settle in Ottawa when the clinic offered me a full time position.
2. Leased an apartment for a year then started work the following monday.
Kindness goes a long way so be kind and polite and doors will open. Be open minded and ready to recognize a blessing when you see it. Be brave and always have a positive outlook. Be honest in interviews and mastering the english language helps a lot too.
So far my story has been a happy one and I am praying that it continues to be. So chin up, good luck, be inspired