what is AOR?
as I am reading this and talking to ppl I know. every case goes in to the re-medical even though they received the medical report in time and they still cant make the decision.
it is really frustration moment that we canadian has to go through this. I know a friend from Sri Lanka. he sponsored his wife in Feb and she received the visa in Jun.
I do understand that SL is small country compared to India, but I am pretty sure their office has less workers than the one in Delhi commission.
the process asks for everything up front, so I don't understand why it take so long to make the decision.
lets just hope and pray harder that something will change in near future and all of us who are single but married can be reunited with their spouse sooner than later.
it is very costly to keep visiting them and not have any vacation left to go either.
sorry just frustrated here, that's why I asked if anyone from delhi office is here.