Hello akss1983....
My frnd be calm....surely u will hear frm ndvo.....its fine if ur medical is expired in nov2015....
Bt the main reason fr issusing remed is when ndvo has completed all the checks n satisfied with our application......and only the last step to make decision and issue visa is left......
As every case is different so dont compare with any one ....though u may surely try to understand ndvo thru spreadsheet data......
do u hv travel history??????
If yes then it will take slightly longer then the one not hvng any travel history
May be applicants who r getting remeds doesnt hv much travel history and even lucky to hv good visa officer........
So it completely depends on how our case is,visa officer and surely luck factor plays good role.....inshrt ndvo is unpredictable

n keep praying...i am sure u will hear soon


Keep hoping for the best to happen to u n everyone.....
Good luck ??? 8)