hii guys need help I had applied notes and they replied :
The consent is required to process your request and allow us to release your spouse’s information to you. To be valid, a consent must be signed, recently dated, contain the printed name of the person giving consent and identifies you as the designated individual. Please ensure that the consent form is signed by all applicable parties, including client, principal applicant, sponsor and spouse if applicable, and has the signature date and date of birth.
· You can find the new ATIP consent form at the following link:
Note that we will put your request on hold until we receive the requested information from you. If we have not received your reply by May 13, 2016, we will consider the request abandoned and close our file accordingly.
I have two queries
1.Can please someone tell me should I send them consent form signed by me and my wife
2. if i dont send them consent they said they will close our file accordingly .. which file they are talking abt?? the notes file or my case file??
please if someone know abt it let me know. Your reply will be appreciated ..