Hello Guys !!!
This is the working style for NDVO
a) Application received date they usually mark the date when the application was send to Canada where they go through the sponsors details (i.e Assessment of sponsor)
b) Once the file has been transferred to the applicants (sponsored person’s) visa office they send the acknowledgement of receipt (AOR) where they ask for RPRF (landing fees) and PCC then the file goes in process
In process
i. Old In Process - Till last year an applicant got In Process when they had cleared their eligibility criteria( i.e interview waiver)
ii. New In process – Once the file has been transferred to the applicants Visa office the file goes in process (where it says application has been received by the visa officer and they will send an acknowledgement of receipt)
iii. At times the AOR and In Process dates will be same.
Here is the link for reference:
c) Medicals – They update the medicals in ecas only when an applicant have passed their medical examination
d) The file will be In process till
i. Eligibility
ii. Medicals
iii. Background checks like (criminality, security and RFV checks)
Are completed (At times, Eligibility checks and Medical check goes hand in hand)
e) VO might also ask for additional documents to have a better clarity on the file. (Not in all cases)
f) As far as Re-Medicals are concerned, The VO extends the medicals for 3 months for an applicant to land in Canada (this happens only when all the checks are completed). Here is the link for your reference:
If an applicant has got their re-medicals it means that all the checks like (eligibility, medicals, criminality and RFV) has been cleared and a sure shot that applicant is through and can expect PPR and DM any time (In a very rare case, during the final review if VO has a doubt on your file they might call for interview).
g) Decision Made – After completion all the above steps its Decision Made on the file
VO working style (In short):
Where they check the genuineness of a marriage.
Medicals –
(a) physical examination;
(b) mental examination;
(c) review of past medical history;
(d) laboratory test;
(e) diagnostic test; and
(f) medical assessment of records respecting the applicant.
Security and Criminality –
Here is the link for back ground checks (Security and Criminality Check) given by cic
Time duration differs from case to case for eg, no of countries lived in (more than 6 months),any crimes committed etc and these checks are done usually in groups
RFV Checks –
In RFV Check, they mainly look out for
i. Fees Receipt (RPRF)
ii. House Address
So once we pass all these checks our file will be in Final review Queue and we’ll get a status update as decision made.
compare it with your e-cas and gcms notes for a better clarity on files
Hope this helps !!
Good luck ;D