Ganny said:
Thank you much for your time and response. It is very helpful. I would not apply for sponsorship until I am clear that it would not delay the process further. Out of my curiosity, I would like to know what the current status of your friend is. Did the overall timeline affect due to the initial submission and has it gone beyond your timelines? Request you to respond if you do not mind.
With gods grace she is finally united with her husband. Her husband is here in Canada now. But it took them 2 years because she had to do the whole process twice.
Also I have heard from laywers and agents that according to CIC rules you have to be married with your spouse according to the rules of the country your spouse is from. Unless there is a valid reason you were unable to have the ritual wedding I do not think CIC accepts such cases. And by valid I mean maybe there was emediate death in the family due to which wedding could not take place. Such reasons can maybe pass by without CIC objecting. Last bit is just my view point.
But your best bet would be to consult an expert before you apply or even better getting an expert on board with your case rather than doing it on your own.
And np that's what we are all here for, to help each other.

good luck with your processing hope it all works out in the end.