waiting 2 exhale said:
lol...trouble maker..here I am taking it easy writing few words of wisdom here and there..you want me to become like chief minister of New Delhi applicants 2013 immigration forum (like chief minister of arvind of new delhi)..we should have election for this post and I will make election promises like 'if I become chief minister of this forum I will give it out free visas plus free airfare plus free lashes/slaps to ND visa officers on your behalf. If you elect me you will all write nothing but OMG, I got this and I got that and not OMG this NDVO is ruining my life. My opponent Desi-girl has not proven anything. I have dirty secrets on her like she works hard maintaining list and gives out good advices but is that enough for this post?'
waiting 2 exhale said:
wait I will have dirt on you too..you are supported by Desi girl or British spy (007 is the clue) and they provided funds to create that fancy logo 007...so foreign funds are being provided to defeat me....
Lol... there was an election? How come I didn't know that I was nominated!? Oh, yeah, I was busy with some undercover ninja work

Unfortunately, I haven't written any speeches so I am going to make one up right now. So um... here it is.
Umm... Hello world and waiting 2 exhale!!! Thank you for nominating me based on how much dirt I have collected during my time on the forum here. But I would like to decline as well because I do not want the power to go to my head and corrupt my completely sane mind (however I do not know how long it is going to last since I am dealing with NDVO right now ??? ). I don't know how abhishekgoel007 is doing, having to deal with NDVO again. And I don't know how waiting 2 exhale is doing, with no updates yet.
So I would like to stay lucid for a while longer and help out at the forum as an equal, not as a leader. And Myrah is still the undefeated 'Big Boss' of this forum because she is going to make sure that she kicks all of us out before she retires, which she is doing a great job on, hands down. And everyone of you is special on this forum so I would rather be on the same level as I am perfectly happy being among you all.
So great work everyone who is helping out and being a part of the forum. Thank you for keeping the positive vibes going. Good luck to all! ;D ;D