omgg omggg omgggg omggggggg omggggggggg omggggggggggg omgggggggggggggggggg I can finally write now

I woke up with a call and this guys like hi im from new delhi Canada high commission happy to tell u that we have issued your visa .....wld u like to come to delhi to pick it up or do u want us to send it by registered I told him to post it to me and asked him how many days he said max 1 week...........then he said but u need to fly before 7th feb...........I was like im leaving 23rd night its my anniversary

he started laughing ......congratulated me

and confirmed my address and full name....I asked him when are they dispatching my pp he said tom morning ..................and there it goes im the HAPPIEST WOMAN ON EARTH ........MIRACLES DO HAPPEN and with so many prayers and blessings goin to be there before my 1st anniversary OMGGGGGGGGGG im still shivering ......... ;D ;D ;D I hope each and everyone of u go thru this feeling ...........finally after waiting 9 months of application I got my visa I made it thru this crazy stressful ride

u guys are the best thing happened to me. :-* each and every single person here and pray for each one of u to get the visa ASAP...... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D