I have seen that despite from the strike ,the process itself of spousal application for Canada especially in South asian countries ,has almost become like a WITCH HUNT 8)
I have not only on this forum but many others read that especially for arrange marriages where the V.Os even after being presented a lot of proof have asked for an interview and then denied cases ( Go to the appeal section in this forum and you guys can read the horror stories )
In our part of the world i.e South asia especially in the cases of arrange marriages the courtship before marriage mostly last for few months and mostly in our cases where the sponsor is in Canada it might have happened on phone.
Also people might not have foreseen that they will have to go through this witch hunt later on during the application where visa could be denied because "God- oh sorry V.O" thinks it's not a genuine relationship because of some commonly used but disgusting reasons which almost are to the point of torture-(they only have to use one of these ) (disclosure-all of them do not apply to one single person or me but just some random one's)
1.Less courtship before marriage ( Sorry V.O that i could not find love and settled for arranged )
2.Phone records ( sorry again, i have given you few logs but mostly used phone card )
3.Hum let me think one to reject this- "How about not Compatible "- ( V.O , please let us decide this ,i know,i know,iknow your job is to safeguard the borders of GREAT CANADA from all the frauds-but shouldn't it be like this that you keep a tab on the people who have done frauds-divorced after couple of years and sponsored some one else and then divorced again- to find them cancel the PR or citizenship than advice me about our "Compatibility"
4.Best of the best" hum...In PROPER ENGLISH- we don't find the genuineness of relationship- well the only objective way to find that would me to cut me up and see whats in my heart-( I Know MR. V.O now you are going to say that your whole job is to find the
genuineness- well that's true and should be done in an objective way -ask us to submit 20 things,we all will comply any one who does 19 gets interviewed,but the whole process of using the vague terms like compatibility and genuineness decided by a single person ( oh yeah i know he/she is trained) seems more like a concept of medieval era or something more recently happening in some Middle eastern countries (Kangaroo court executions ) which you the western society or any civilized person including me are so against.
But Mr VISA OFFICER Actually it just occurred to me that we are all the same- aren't we....Just like the barbarians who get the pleasure in a little bit of sadistic torturing ...No Worries i do it at my job without realizing sometimes ,i deny mortgages sometimes where i could have gone an extra length to provide the mortgage to the customer-it gives me that guilty pleasure of little bit of control.
But Canadian immigration system - ya da ya da ya da....it has doen one thing it has made me better ( well not better,but less gulty)
SiRs and Madams the problem is not wait ,you tell us to wait 1 year- done ( sign me up )
2 years - done ( please sign me )
3 years - done ( well sir it's long but what to do,my case is genuine and i will wait for my spouse just like we do for parents-so sign me up)
But the problem starts when you put me in circle ( not even that....its like one side its' lion and the other side its croc in a river)
if i have understood the process carefully here is what goes on in some scenarios where people are not even have a chance
Appliaction rejected-
Person thinks..Then what, should i have a kid to prove ,i will if that suffice the relation ship ( NO sir the Appeal Judge will say the kid is not an important factor in determining a relationship)
O.K O.K.. i will go to my home country and live with my spouse for few months or a year or 2 ( WEll...that's not a good idea...you my dear friend are a PR and you will loose your PR status ( cause remember the rules for maintaing PR status)
Oh no oh no...canadian Immigartion,i am a PROUD CITIZEN OF THIS country CALLED CANADA, NO pr sheear, i can definately go to my homecountry and live ther for a year or so while you put me on queue for appeal ( Canadian immig. says- That too my friend is not a good idea because at appeal it will be considered that you have no plans of living with your spouse in Canada -you have to show that you have property in canada-jobe letter and ya da ya da ya
person Saying-so what are my options SIR......

Canadian Immig- options are plenty my dear friend in this vast country...but during this long discourse forgot to ask you one thinh
Person whar SIR ???
Immigration- who told you to immigrate here or for heavens sake once settled here find a partner from back home.