This week isn't goin so good so far..... I open up this page every morning hoping to see some good news related to our visas but these two last days had been very disappointing
But I really appreciate how you all keep the positivity flowing in, in each others' lives by venting out your emotions, listening n advising each other n sharing ur good or bad experiences. It really helps people! It makes u feel ur not alone goin through this tough time, there r other ppl too goin through the same situation.
It's really not easy to stay away from your husband/wife right after marriage for years!!!! Not being together for your special days like anniversary, bday, festivals. And then now suddenly this strike which is so unusual n I have never heard abt!! But then that's ok I'm not the only unlucky girl on this earth glad to find companions here

just kidding
I sometimes laugh reading some posts n I'm like "oh God this happens to me all the time" lol. We are all so far from each other but still can relate with each other so easily

just because of one common problem in our life, strange!
Just want to tell u all who are losing hope, to be calm and patient as this is just a temporary phase, sooner or later we are all goin to get our visas then we can have the best time of our lives with our loving partners

so just think about the good times that ur gonna have n try to stay positive
goodnight n common update us with some good news tomorrow

Best of luck!!!!