I have sent an email to PAFSO regarding information about processing of permanent visa process which includes spousal visa. Following is the reply which I got
Mr. Singh,
Thank you for your words of support.
When striking officers are not on service withdrawals, they give priority to processing visas as ordered by their CIC managers. From what we have gathered in the last few months, CIC managers are telling officers to process TRVs (Temporary Resident Visas) rather than Permanent Resident visas, which would include things like family reunification and spousal visas.
Foreign Service officers take no pleasure in seeing the effect we are having on people who are caught in our dispute with the government. After 8 years of discrimination though, we have had enough and we must get this salary gap fixed. We have now taken our case to the Public Service Labour Relations Board. Hopefully they will soon make a decision on taking the two parties into unconditional third-party binding arbitration, something which the government has previously refused.
It is clear that all visa processing is slowed down just with work-to-rule measures and stopped to a grinding halt when service withdrawals take place. However, as soon as the dispute is resolved, our members will do their utmost to catch up with the backlog, including doing over time and accepting temporary deployments.
In the meantime, you can lodge an inquiry at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/my_application/status.asp Or if you have an immigration application in progress in Canada you may contact the CIC Call centre at 1-888-242-2100 or by e-mail at: question@cic.gc.ca
Finally, if you have additional concerns, you can contact the head of the government's bargaining unit, President of the Treasury Board, Mr. Tony Clement (Tony.clement@parl.gc.ca or @TonyclementCPC ).
We regret any inconvenience this may cause and wish you luck with your visa application. Thank you for your patience.
Chrystiane Roy
Strike Communications coordinator
Professional Association of Foreign Service Officers/
Association professionnelle des agents du Service extérieur