Once you will go to the office you have to write a letter regarding the NOC. There are many small khokes

outside from where you can get the printout of the performa of the application. You have give your driving license photo copy. thats it. No other requirement.
If you will show this letter to ICBC in BC then you can directly appear in class 5 road test rather appearing the class 7 road test. But before that you have to appear the written exam after that you can go for class 5 road test. Otherwise you have to wait at least one year to appear in class 5 road test.. Written exam is quite easier there. As you have said you have 5 years of driving experience in India ,this letter will definitely help you.
One thing more if you have vehicles's insurance on your name you can also get no claim letter from the insurance company. Bcz in BC vehicles insurance is the most expensive compare to other provinces. It comes under Government .....

You are lucky you are going to Vancouver ( wheather wise ) lol