Hello everyone,
Let's not start speculating before really knowing what bill the torries will come up with.
According to me, and only to me, they can't touch applications that are in process, they can say however, applications received after this or that date will have to comply with the new rules ( they will have to Table the law, create a new procedure, create new forms etc...). If they had the intention to make a sharp cut quickly, they would have blocked everything administratively from now. I mean, if an applicant fulfills the requirements today, then he can apply, pay the fees, send the documents etc...and Sydney will have to receive the application and process it according to the current law, It would be really weird to say " well, we changed our mind!" we are talking about equality of treatment, about fair applications processing... people who live in Montreal or in Vancouver have the same rights as those who live in Windsor or Hamilton... CIC is still opening and processing applications they are receiving till further notice.
Landed immigrants are not exactly "foreign workers" that you can play with as you please, we are part of the canadian society and we have protected rights that temporary residents dont have. Again, according to me, they can't just throw away our applications because they have decided to do so, however, once the new rules will get adopted, that's another story and all those who will apply after this moment will have to comply with the new rules.... otherwise, this would be a huge waste of money and valueable time, think of it this way : If they have the slightest intention of returning our applications after the new law gets adopted, why would they spend money and ressources on processing them now ?
However, nobody will know for sure until the torries decide to communicate correctly, they have been doing an awful job in communicating their intentions and this is why a lot of people are LOST and are asking very valid questions ! If they decide to go the wrong way, we still live in a democracy and tribunals are there for such cases... litigations will cost millions of $ and much more in reputation, so if I was them, I wouldn't go this way!