Of course they don't feel good about it, you half wit! They took a human life. That doesn't feel good, even when you mean to do it!
Keep living in your bubble. Ignorant to the real world. A lot of crackheads scream and yell gibberish that sure isn't English. Should I get another crackhead to interpret for me next time? How will I know what crackhead dialect he is speaking? How the F did those RCMP officers know what language this crazy person was speaking while he was destroying property? How would you have done it any better? You wouldn't have. You would have cowered and quivered because you wouldn't know what to do, because you don't know what you're talking about.
They deployed a completely reasonable less-lethal response option as they were trained to do when confronted with a subject with a weapon who refuses to drop it. They didn't pull out the .40 caliber hole-punch on their hips, they used the least amount of force to control a subject with a lower likelihood of injury to Officers or subject.
Tasers are safe. Every cop who carries one has been tased. No deaths. The people who die are people who have severely neglected their health. You can't argue with facts. I have been tased upwards of 15 times. I am just fine. Tase a lifelong useless drunk, a opiate abuser, the elderly, those high on meth, and you might have some medical issues.
This would have been an non event if he didn't pass due to underlying medical concerns.