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need urgent help


Full Member
Aug 13, 2011
thanks newton i really appreciate your time and your comments the reason is that am 45 years old and just breakup marriage and no job its hard to survive if i do to safe my life and improve my life than i think its ok please don't laugh on my situation god will help u guys . thanks


Champion Member
Nov 10, 2010
Job Offer........
I didn't say anything about laughing at your situation, as I mentioned we all have gone through struggles and desperate situations to get here legally, contribute to the Canadian economy positively, (paying taxes, getting education, saving money, buying house, educating our kids) this has come with a cost over time. What I am saying is that it takes time to do something, unfortunately people have this idea that somehow they'll come to Canada and decide to live here permanently. That's not how it works, I had to wait many years before being legally accepted as an immigrant, I had to wait my turn to apply for citizenship, I had to spend 1095 days legally physically present here to get my citizenship. Imagine you are waiting in line to eat food, would it be fair if I jump the line ahead of you, help myself to the food and walk away.

The point I am making is you should not cut corners and jump the line because by doing this people who genuinely want to settle here, follow the law and contribute to the economy positively get affected. There are many people who are waiting to come to Canada legally. Your actions (and many people with similar intentions) will result in many more delays for people waiting to see their families, loved ones, sponsor their parents and spouses etc. It makes sense now why certain third world countries take longer time to process immigration documents for genuine cases.

I do not blame the IO, they are in fact doing an excellent job across all Canadian embassies around the world to keep our country safe and secure. Keeping that in mind they have trusted you with a visitors visa, expecting you'll return after your term is up, so please try to keep that promise and not break it. Who knows? when you apply for PR legally from your home country they'll look at your visitor visa favorably because you kept your promise of returning back.


Full Member
Aug 13, 2011
thanks newtone you are really help ful please give more advise how to settle in canada thanks


VIP Member
Jun 8, 2010
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Passport Req..
Everyone here has already helped you as much as they can. If you need more information, then read through the extensive information available on the CIC web site:


If this information isn't enough, then I would recommend that you hire an immigration consultant or lawyer to answer your questions and help you to determine how you can settle in Canada.


Star Member
Apr 2, 2010
Taif, Saudi Arabia
Job Offer........
Hi guys!

I need genuine advise. :)

I had my visit visa issued on November 2011 and expiry date on May 2012, I will be travelling to Canada this March, now my question is, would they be counting the maximum stay I can have on the day of my arrival in the port of entry OR the expiration of that visa is the May 2012?

I will take CRNE assessment exam and will really go back to Saudi, my place of work for nearly three years and my salary is also good there and by the way, my nationality is Filipino. Now on the day of my flight from Saudi to Canada, I was caught by the religious police and UNFAIRLY persecuted putting me in jail for 15days just because of not wearing a scarf and was assumed to be with a guy who turned out to be a thief. Anyway, instead of him to be jailed, I was the one to be put there and labeled a criminal under their Sharia Law. Now, the table turned and I don't want to go back there or either to my home country as I don't have a job there and the Philippine Embassy didn't even help me when I was there saying some excuses and asking for money as bribe. I was lucky to get out of Saudi and is still allowed to go back there and once I go back, my case will be opened and sentence for 6 months in jail and 60 slashes. Now, do you think it would be wise for me to ask for refugee visa as I don't have anywhere to go? I don't want to come back to Saudi or Philippines as both countries put me to hell so to speak. Can I tell the immigration officer for my situation to be reviewed in the port of entry itself or would this make them deny me for entry in Canada? Please advise.