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Need some info on congical relationship


Feb 21, 2009
I have a few questions about my boyfriend moving to Canada. We have known each other for over a year and he lives in the US and I live in Canada. We now would like to move our relationship to the next level of him coming here and moving in with me. Right now we fall under a congical relationship but the only reasons why we have not married or lived together is because I couldnt just pick up and leave because I have a 4 year old son and just started a great government job here. He hasnt been able to move here till now cause he did have a great oppurtunity for a job in California. Now we have decided that we just want to be together. If its so difficult as I have read for us to go the congical relationship way, how could we even live together for 12 months to fit under the common-law? How could he come here and live and be able to work? Or would he have to come here as a visitor for 6months and go back to the US for a couple of days as a visit then come back for 6months...then there is the 12 months? I think I am a bit confused but at the same time I told him that it would be easier for him to come here than for me to get into the US right? I know that we want to eventually get married but it wouldnt be for a bit, I dont believe in marrying someone real quick, i believe in knowing someone real good first. Please help, we need to be together...we love each other very much. Thank you everyone that responds to this and for any info that anyone may have!


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Unfortunately Canada has no visa for people who want to try out their relationships. To get a conjugal relationship accepted, there must be some major reasons for why you couldn't get married or live together. Even if you did get it accepted, sponsoring your boyfriend as a conjugal is just as big a committment as getting married if not more because you would be financially responsible for him for 3 years after he gets PR, even if you break up.

You can have him come on a visit visa but he will not be able to work. When his 6 months are up, he can apply for an extension of visit visa. He would still not be able to work. He could try to get a temporary work visa but if immigration was to know that he has a girlfriend in Canada, they would probably deny it and tell you to sponsor him. To be granted a temporary work visa, immigration has to be convinced he will leave when it's up.

What you can do for right now is have him come on a visit visa and see how it goes. Maybe you'll want to marry him sooner than you think. Even after you sponsor him, he will not be able to work right away so if you want to wait until you qualify as common law, he might be living with you for 18 months or more without working so it's up to you to decide if you can afford that or if he will be going nuts sitting at home all day.


Feb 21, 2009
Thank you for your knowledge. I figured that it wouldnt be easy and i know that canada is not going to just let us try out our relationship. I guess if I can get him in on a visitor visa and he can maybe take the role of looking after my child so then we have one less payment of daycare..lol, I am sure that we can possibly make it then, i have to pay my bills if hes here or not. Thanks again, if there is anyone else that has anything else to add that would be great...or anyone in the situation and what they have done. Oh I do have another question, i was kind of reading up on the provincial nominee program, we have it avaialbe here in alberta, but is it that he has to have a job already? kind of like the work visa?


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
Yes, he would have to have a job offer for the provincial nominee program.


Feb 21, 2009
So I have talked with my boyfriend and I was telling him that the easiest way of getting him in by the looks of it would be to marry. Now if he comes up here on a visitor visa for 6 months and we get married in that time or near the end, would we be able to then fill out the spouse sponsorship and if so could he then stay with me beyond the 6 months? If we cant fill them out while he is here then could he go back to the US and come back again on a visitor visa again for 6 months? How long does he have to be back in the US to get back here? We are willing to go and get married just simple and no one would be there but us, then once we can afford it have an actual wedding with family and friends. Is that ok too? Thank you for your time to get back to me. We are having a very hard time living with out each other. Oh does it matter that we actually have only met once due to working and financial?


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2008
Visa Office......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Original:14Mar2007; Reprocess began after appeal:26Apr2010
Doc's Request.
Original:9May'07; Reprocess:7May'10
AOR Received.
Original:28Apr'07; Reprocess:26Apr'10
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
Read through the information at the "Visiting" tab of the US2Canada website for answers.


Feb 20, 2009
I'm far from expert, but I've just gone through this myself so it's fresh in mind, I suggest reading this forum carefully because there's more to it than a 'simple' wedding with only you two there. Hopefully you get a kind IO but a suspicious one may want to see lots of wedding photos, number of guests, all the usual paraphernilia that comes with a wedding helps (copies of: invitations, reservations, bills paid, receipts for the wedding rings, etc) - and don't forget the ap has separate spaces for (and thus invites you to submit different evidence for each of):
1. engagement
2. wedding
3. reception
4. honeymoon

What I'm getting at is, they look at this stuff all day long, whatever you submit may look very different from the usual, and that may count against you. Worst case scenario, they could even decide this was a "marriage of convenience" (i.e. you only got married for the sake of immigration) which has consequences. After tons of research, you may consider continuing to cope as you are (I know it's a pain) until you're both sure you're ready for a full-on wedding-reception-honeymoon with lots of evidence and photos.

Hope for your sake I'm off-base here, as I said I'm far from expert. Anyone else want to comment on this?


Feb 21, 2009
Thank you for your input. I could see how it would look suspious with it bein gonly us 2 there, but even when we have our wedding once we have money I don't want a church wedding with a reception and all that crap. I just want us to go away and get married with just our parents and my best friend there. I guess thats better than it being just us 2...lol. Oh well, I guess thats what happens when you fall in love with someone from a different country. Would it be easier for me to go there? to the US? I thought it would be easier for him to come here, but I am not soo sure. Does anyone know of a good immigration lawyer? I live in Alberta, closest big city is Edmonton to me. Thanks again for the help. I actually think I just may have found him a job in his trade...just waiting for the phone call back.


Feb 21, 2009
So I have another question, if he comes here as a visitor when he comes through should he mention that he is coming to see a friend? or just tell the truth as he is coming to see his girlfriend and that he is not sure when he is returning just yet? Plus if he is here for 6 months and applies for an extention and with in that time we get married I can then apply to sponsor him through spouse while he is here, right? Does anyone know how it works when he is here and driving? Like can he help people out and be driving with his US licence? Do I need to send him an invitation letter and also state that when he is here that I will be financially responsible for him? and that if I can not cover everything my parents are willing to back me in helping financially?

Thank you for your help, i am trying to get him here but he is feeling very discouraged and is think about going back home to PA, which I think that if he does that he will never come here. He is just worried about the money thing, he doesnt like the fact of me paying for stuff or me supporting him while he is here. i am ok with it...i know its not forever and that once we get things done and he is legal to work we will both be contributing. Sometimes it feels so impossible, but I am trying to be positive about it.


VIP Member
Jun 13, 2008
Job Offer........
As a visitor, he is not really living in Canada. He is allowed to drive on his US license as a visitor. In AB, they basically say as long as he is legally resident in the US and just visiting Canada he's allowed to drive on his US license, see http://www.servicealberta.gov.ab.ca/Drivers_Licence.cfm#Residency_Requirements_for_Operators_Licence It also says that he will not be able to get an AB license until he's legally living in Canada on a work permit or as a PR. As for "helping people out", sure, he can help people out but he just can't work. He can say he's visiting his gf and he doesn't know when he's going back. Just as long as he doesn't mention planning on getting married.