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need some advice before applying common law sponsorship


Star Member
Jun 12, 2013
Hi everyone, i am getting ready everything for sponsorship. It's is same sex comm law application , we have been dating since February 2014 and decide to move in together in April 2015 and had 2 weeks apart from each other in february 2016. Since 2014 we have 2 trips together before moving in and 2 trips after moving in, we have pictures together because we dont express our affectionate in public a lot so is it a problems?. we gave each other gifts but only have pictures of gifts not including our face in there so is it valid if i put it in the application? , we have recceipts of those gifts, and those pictures such as dinner, flowers but dont have our face in there is it still ok ? , and how do we write to say that we are continuing relationship? i just said my partner gonna buy condo and he pay for mortage and i am responsible for house spending and we also adopt a dog when move to new house, choose furniture which both like . Are those things good to prove that our relationship is continuing?

Right now i have credit card join, medical benefit and beneficiary including me and my partner, tickets of 4 big trips together and we also have some short trip together as well, join residential agreement, copy driver license to show same address, some photos together, letter from one my close friend. My family didnt know about our relationship and theya re not living in canada, my partner's mom know our relationship but she has not met me anytime yet.

I really appreciate everyone having a look at my questions. so much stress when it is at the begining of application yet still more to wait.:(


Champion Member
Jan 10, 2013
Victoria, BC
Benlie said:
Hi everyone, i am getting ready everything for sponsorship. It's is same sex comm law application , we have been dating since February 2014 and decide to move in together in April 2015 and had 2 weeks apart from each other in february 2016. Since 2014 we have 2 trips together before moving in and 2 trips after moving in, we have pictures together because we dont express our affectionate in public a lot so is it a problems?. we gave each other gifts but only have pictures of gifts not including our face in there so is it valid if i put it in the application? , we have recceipts of those gifts, and those pictures such as dinner, flowers but dont have our face in there is it still ok ? , and how do we write to say that we are continuing relationship? i just said my partner gonna buy condo and he pay for mortage and i am responsible for house spending and we also adopt a dog when move to new house, choose furniture which both like . Are those things good to prove that our relationship is continuing?

Right now i have credit card join, medical benefit and beneficiary including me and my partner, tickets of 4 big trips together and we also have some short trip together as well, join residential agreement, copy driver license to show same address, some photos together, letter from one my close friend. My family didnt know about our relationship and theya re not living in canada, my partner's mom know our relationship but she has not met me anytime yet.

I really appreciate everyone having a look at my questions. so much stress when it is at the begining of application yet still more to wait.:(
all sounds pretty legit to me. so long as you can prove cohabitation, and have no major gaps in the 12 months needed for common-law then you should be ok.

pictures arent everything. showing a joint and commited life is also important to prove your ongoing relationship.

include whatever pictures you have of each other together, photos with family etc. letters from friends and family (2 need to be notorized) attesting to your commitment, joint banks, bills, leases, receipts from holidays or gifts. all of these things are great.

show evidence of your future plans together also if any.

where is the applicant from? remember, backgrounds dictate how much evidence the IO is likely to expect.


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
Visa Office......
Accra, Ghana
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
The two weeks apart in February 2016 should be OK.
Photos of gifts and the receipts for them are fine as evidence. Photos of dinner or flowers without you in them, I would not include.
Explaining how you share your finances is a good way to show your lives are intertwined - that is, that you are not just roommates. Adopting a dog together is good proof as well.
The other proof you have mentioned seems fine. It is OK if family members don't know about the relationship if they would not approve. Otherwise it is better if they know and could maybe write a letter in support.


Star Member
Jun 12, 2013
My background is vietnamese nationality i guess they will need to check more . The thing is my mom's partner know about us but we haven't seen each other and she asked us to sign a preup agreement before moving to new place at the end of the year. Also, we dont have a lot of pictures show our affection in public and we only have one close friend each which sound really weird and suspecious. We also dont have formal anniversary , just dinner and gifts to each other as long as we have a date. I have most of evidence for now except those things above. Even for me i think i have red flag like why you two only have two friends each? , why you guy dont get married? , why dont you guy put same name in the mortage ?

Honestly , i asked couples of gay sponsorship and processing time is usually almost 2 years , i haven't heard anyone less than 2 years , same sex common law partner is hard to prove especially with people from background or countries not accepting same sex . I feel so down at some point really want to give upand let it be to whatever but keep reminding myself not wasting more time to depressing


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
Visa Office......
Accra, Ghana
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
You don't need pictures showing you being affectionate in public. If in every photo of the two of you, you look uncomfortable together, the visa officer might wonder. But if you are together and look like friends, it is OK if none of the photos show you kissing or whatever.

For common-law, you need solid proof that you have lived together for one year, such as both names on the lease or mortgage, utility bills in both names (or one person pays for a couple, the other pays for a couple, and all bills go to the same address), joint accounts, etc.
You also need proof that your relationship is genuine, which is where photos and other proof of trips taken together, gifts, dates, etc. are useful.

If you are applying outland, applications from Vietnam can take a long time, even if it is not an application from a same-sex couple. Inland applications often take two years or more, but if you are applying inland, at least you can stay together while waiting.


Full Member
Apr 11, 2016
Although it is not usually necessary for spousal sponsorship, try to include the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union form with your application, the form will be signed by you and your partner in the presence of a commissioner of oaths, or notary public.

Be encouraged!



Star Member
Jun 12, 2013
Thanks for comments everyone especially canadianwoman. I just wonder how many pictures should i include ? I have 19 now , not sure if it is Ok?


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
Visa Office......
Accra, Ghana
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Some people have only sent in a small number. If that is all you have, it will have to do. As long as you have lots of different kinds of evidence, it should be fine.


Hero Member
Aug 28, 2014
Visa Office......
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Oct 2, 2015
Doc's Request.
Form IMM5409 requested Feb 20, 2016
AOR Received.
Nov 25, 2015
File Transfer...
SA- Dec 10, 2015 ** DM- March 14, 2016
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Sept 9, 2015
COPR Rec'd March 18, 2016
April 16, 2016
Cal978 said:
Although it is not usually necessary for spousal sponsorship, try to include the Statutory Declaration of Common-Law Union form with your application, the form will be signed by you and your partner in the presence of a commissioner of oaths, or notary public.

Be encouraged!

I would include this! I didn't in my original PR application and then it was requested from CIC. It's just an added document to help prove Common Law.

Best Wishes!!


Star Member
Jun 12, 2013
Thanks so much everyone , every reply is a big help to me. I have another question , we have eveything under same address : credit account, rental agreement, , driver license, phone bill but his 2015 Assessment adress is still at his parent's house does it affect my application?


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
Visa Office......
Accra, Ghana
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
No, it shouldn't, since you have lots of other evidence of his and your address.


Hero Member
May 15, 2015
Calgary, AB
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AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
DM: 15-04-2016
You have lots of relationship proof, you'll be okay. You don't need to have pictures of you guys being affectionate in public and I'm sure CIC would understand. If they need more proof, they will request it from you and not just deny the application with no explanation. I know the part of the process you're at is filled with anxiety, but once you get everything together and send it off then all you'll have to do is wait!


VIP Member
Nov 7, 2012
Visa Office......
Seoul, Korea
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
File Transfer...
Med's Done....
Sent with App
Passport Req..
N/R - Exempt
Benlie said:
Thanks so much everyone , every reply is a big help to me. I have another question , we have eveything under same address : credit account, rental agreement, , driver license, phone bill but his 2015 Assessment adress is still at his parent's house does it affect my application?
Should be no problem for CIC, but make sure you get this changed this year for CRA tax purposes. As of April 2016, whoever files taxes should have changed their official marital status with CRA from 'single' to 'common-law'. So for 2016 tax year, CRA will not allow you to file from separate addresses, if common-law you will be expected to file taxes from the same address.
Remember that declaring common-law for tax purposes is not a choice, it's mandatory once you reach the 12 months cohabitation.


Star Member
Jun 12, 2013
Yeah we did file 2016 tax year commonlaw status, so right now i am asking my friend to do declaration of individual to acknowledge our relationship , do i need to notarize this documents ? And how much you guys think it is? I am in BC , sorry i just wanna keep asking on this thread and already looking for answer on forum but those info are 2-3 years ago , thanks so much


Star Member
Jun 12, 2013
Hi everyone i have new questions?

Do i need to notarize letter from my friends ? I only had two and only my sponsor's mom know about our common law relationship do i need to say yes to questionnaire about "any family members and close friends know about our relationship"?

My sponsor's T4 still has the address from his family home , is it gonna be red flag if i send it in ? Look like i have no choice to send T4

Thanks everyone a lot