If you planned to bring her in as a visitor, you should also look into the possibility of getting her the proper care here. And it's not easy.
If you purchase travel health insurnace, it will only cover emergency.
Also access to medication (she can only bring 3 months of medication when she travels) and doctors for non-residant is not easy. It may be better for you and your spouse, since you have provincial health coverage.
My MIL had travel insurnace and when she was visiting, she got sick and went to emergency. She had surgery, stay in the hospital for a week, then visited a specialist for pos-surgery checkup before she flew back home.
We thought the insurnace would cover most of the expenses since the "coverage" was up to 10 million (that's the crazy big number on the paperwork).
But at the end the insurnace negotiated with the health authority and only paid... roughly half of it. We had to pay the rest out of pock after.