Darcanelle said:
Well Yes and no. It is an IEC visa issued under the Canadian Experience Class (Hence CEC). Same thing though
CEC and IEC are actually two completely different and unrelated things. IEC is the working holiday visa program - which is a
temporary work permit program. CEC is Canadian Experience Class which is an
immigration program. These two terms are not interchangeable and are not the same thing at all. You should stick to the correct term (IEC) to avoid confusing people on this forum and potentially getting the wrong answer.
Since you are under IEC, there is one piece of bad news. IECs do not benefit from implied status since they are a non-extenable form of work permit. What this means is that you must have a new and approved work permit in your hands before your IEC expires if you want to continue working without interruption. Unlike other types of work permits, having submitted a BOWP before your work permit expires does not give you implied status and does not allow you to keep working until you receive an answer from CIC on your BOWP application. If you don't have a new and approved work permit in hand before your IEC expires - you have to stop working on the expiry date of your IEC.
With only two months to spare, you don't have enough time to received ITA and apply and receive the BOWP before your IEC expires. You will have to change your status to visitor for a period of time and stop working. If it's not afforable for you to stop working, then you may want to consider returning home while you wait for your express entry application to be processed.