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NEED HELP!!! PR application returned and work permit expires soon...


Full Member
Jun 4, 2012
Hi all... Here is my situation right now, and I hope some of the expert member can help us.

I applied to FST and wanted to apply for OBWP, but my application is returned as an incompleted...
We correct the mistake and sent it again today.
But our(me and my wife+dependent kids) work permits will expire on end of this month.
As CIC taking time to review applications between 6-8 weeks now, I don't think I can get AOR by time.
And because I was thinking to apply for OBWP, we didn't prepared for LMO(Now LMIA)but started the advertisement today.

Now I think we have only option to apply for Visitor visa, and then apply for WP with LMO when it's approved.
Do you think is it the best way??

If so, I have some question about visitor visa.
1. When I apply for visitor visa now, is IMM5708 the right form?
2. And what should I tell them the purpose of visit?
3. Is it a problem if I choose other and say "waiting for LMO and want to apply for work permit" or can I say "waiting for my PR process"??
4. And how much is enough for proof of means of support?
5. Do all of us need visitor visa?? Me and my wife of course, but for Kids(4, and 1 years old) too??

Sorry for many questions... Your advise and help would be very very very appliciated!!!
Please help. Thanks.



Full Member
Jun 4, 2012
Please anybody help us...

I just got an idea, is it better to let work permit expired and wait until LMO aproved then apply new work permit with restration?
Is it ok to do nothing after my current work permit expired? Do I get a 90 days grace period for this situation??
Or do I need to get refused for something to get that 90 days?

I hope someone can give me opinion or suggestion...