Hi everyone
This is OP writing from my office 2018-03-10 2:30 pm. 5 days after landing at Peace Arch CBSA.
Thanks for everyone who helped me here

hope you all are doing well.
"Reply to yourself" is one of my 100+ things-to-do checklist.
CIC was pretty fast processing recent cases, this is probably due to accumulated cases from years before were mostly completed by 2018.
Brief timeline:
2016-06-06 received PGWP ( I was already working in a small company & started looking for a company can sponsor PNP )
2016-07-20 after many interviews, I was offered a position by a local company ( 50+ employees )
2017-May : Planning for PNP ( Almost one year for bonus points)
2017-July : Prep for documents
2017-08-02: Submitted at 11 am and ITA received at 2 pm ( Same day)
2017-08-28: Uploaded all documents and wait
2017-10-28: PNP approved ( Received e-mail on a Saturday)
2017-11-02: EE ITA
2017-11-17: Uploaded all documents and wait ( 6 month according to CIC ?)
2018-02-23: PPR, Just got off flight from my vacation to Yellowknife
2018-03-26: Mailed PP
2018-03-06: Received PP ( that was fast)
2018-03-06: took off early from work and finished landing process at Peace Arch border crossing.
To everyone out there on your path to PR, if you happen to run into a similar case, feel free to ask me anything. I will try my best to answer your questions.
"Don't confuse your path with your destination, just because it's stormy now, doesn't mean you aren't headed for sunshine"