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Need help/information on reapplying for student visa


Nov 24, 2009
Hey there,

My application for a study permit was denied. I received the letter today. Before I ask some questions regarding this, I just want to give you guys some background information on myself.

I was born in India. I left India for New York at age 12 in 1999. I was on a H4 dependent visa until I was 21 and switched to a student visa since I cannot be on a H4 visa after the age of 21. I did my middle school(8th grade) and high school(9th-12th) in New York. I was also enrolled in a community college in New York for 3 years while pursuing my associates degree in Computer Information Systems. I had to leave New York because my student visa expired before I had a chance to complete my degree. I came back to India on August 25, 2009. So I stayed in New York from July 1999 to August 2009. My parents are both still there. My mother is on a H1 visa and my father is on a dependent visa. I also have a uncle there who has a green card and is married with children.

I wanted to switch my career track from Computer Information Systems to Culinary Arts(Cooking/Chef). I applied and got accepted into Humber Institute of Technology in Ontario, Canada for a Culinary Skills certificate program. Its a 9 month program which I'm supposed to start in January.

I applied for a student visa on November 12 and got a reply today stating that my visa was denied for the following reasons:

1. You have not satisfied me that you will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for your stay because:

a. You have not demonstrated that you are sufficiently well established in your country of residence.
b. You have not demonstrated that your or your parents have sufficient income and assets to justify your proposed study
c. Your proposed studies are not reasonable in light of one or more of: your qualifications, previous studies, employment, level of establishment, other educational opportunities available, language abilities, or your future prospects and plans

2. You have not satisfied me that you have sufficient funds for living costs and tuition for your first year of studies, and return transportation without working in Canada because:

a. You have not provided documents to demonstrate the relationship between yourself and your sponsor(other than your parents)
b. You have not satisfactorily demonstrated that your sponsor will provide adequate support to cover the cost of your studies.
My uncle, who has the green card, was used as a sponsor for my studies. We showed the tuition fees($11,730) + accommodation fees($9000+) for a total of $21,130 in his bank account. I also included a affidavit of support from him, his bank statements for the past 6 months, his tax returns and a copy of his green card. I included my acceptance letter, my middle school diploma, my high school diploma and my high school transcripts. Since I studied in New York for 10 years, I was not required to take the IELTS or any other examinations. So I did not include that. I also included a FBI clearance certificate and immunization documents. Since I went through VFS, I also completed all their documents as well, indicating my mother's occupation details and my uncle's occupation details.

So, what exactly did I do wrong? Is there a chance for me to reapply with additional documents(what kind?) and get the student visa? My semester starts January 11. So I have to be in Canada by then. I cannot live in India either since I'm used to the western culture and there is no possible way for me to survive here.

Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.


Hero Member
Aug 24, 2009
May be the problem was your sponsor. Since he is not your blood relative and is living in USA. CHC might have thought that you will have to pay back to your uncle and you will work in Canada because its not possible to return dollar debt with rupee earning. Further you changed your subject so you should give solid reasons for this change and what will you in india after this degree. You may tell them that you don't plan to live in india rather you would go to USA where your family is.


Nov 24, 2009
Thanks for replying.

Regarding the sponsor information, do you think it would help if I transferred the $20,000 to my banking account which I have in Chase New York and show them that I'm supporting myself? Would it help to not have a sponsor at all?

Regarding the change of subject, I did not mention anything about the change of subject, though. I did not send them transcripts of my college where I pursued a Computer Science degree. The only documents that I sent were my middle school/high school diploma and the high school transcripts. What do you propose I should do to explain?

The problem is that I cannot go back to America on a valid visa. I don't think its possible to get any kind of visa since my F1 student visa was already expired for not maintaining enough credits. I can only come back to India. What I thought I would do is to show someone living in India as my legal guardian and will be willing to support me when I return to India. Will that work?


Hero Member
Aug 24, 2009
Transferring money in your account may help but CHC may question that big a transaction then you would have to explain where you got this money.
As you have no real ties in India i think its better to tell them that you would go to America after education on work visa or student visa. Lying to CHC can be dangerous. If they figure out that you lied about your guardian you may lose all chance to get a visa.
And you should explain why you want to pursue culinary arts and what kind of job you would do after this course.


Nov 24, 2009
Regarding the money transaction, I was thinking about something. Would it help if I put the money in my bank account but use my uncle as a sponsor and get a notarized letter from him stating that this money is for my tuition and accommodation and would not need to be repaid? What I mean is use my uncle as a sponsor but have him deposit the money into my bank account.

Regarding the legal guardian, I would not have to lie about my legal guardian. I have a lot ties in India both from my mother's side(mother's sister) and my father's side(father's sister). I have another uncle here in India and could use him as my legal guardian. Will that be good enough?


Hero Member
Aug 24, 2009
Your proposal of money transaction seems fine but I am not sure about legal guardian, never heard such thing.


Nov 24, 2009
Thanks a lot for your help, kista. Cheers. :)

If anyone else has any information/tips, it would be greatly appreciated.


Oct 30, 2009
Hi !

Here are some useful information about getting a student visa for Canada: http://www.gullivearth.com/en/guide/read/1184/administrative-approach-in-canada.

Good luck :)