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Need Help From Experts ... !


Feb 11, 2011
My name is rishi and i am from India..I Have done bachelors in Computer applications(B.C.A.) ... I Got Three refusals For Canada Study Visa Last to last year .....I applied for George brown College For Wireless networking.

Now i wanna apply for New Zealand With Same Course..... Shall i get Visa Easily ..!

And The reasons Are (First refusal Date 03/Sep/2009)

u have not satisfied me that you will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for your stay because:-

1.u have not demonstrated that you are sufficiently well established in your country of residence.

2.proposed studies are not reasonable in light of one or more of your qualifications, previous studies, employment, level of establishment, other educational opportunities available in India or Canada, language abilities, or your future prospects and plans.

you have not satisfied me that you have sufficient funds for living costs and tuition for your first year of s study , and return transportation without working in Canada because:-

1.your or your parents' income and assets are insufficient to support the studies.

The reasons for (Second refusal Date:- 24/8/2009)

You have not satisfied me that you will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for your stay because:-

1.you have not demonstrated that you are sufficiently well established in your country of residence.

2.u have not demonstrated that you or your parents have sufficient income and assets to justify your proposed studies.

The reasons for (Third refusal Date:- 10/Nov/2009)
u have not satisfied me that you will leave Canada by the end of the period authorized for your stay because:

1.u have not demonstrated that you or your parents have sufficient income and assets to justify your proposed studies.

2.your proposed studies are not reasonable in light of one or more of: your qualifications, previous studies, employment, level of establishment, other educational opportunities available in India or Canada, language abilities, or your future prospects and plans.

Now i wanna apply for New Zealand With Same Course..... Shall i get Visa Easily ..!


Hero Member
Dec 5, 2010
Job Offer........
Hi rishi,

what kind of income did you provide? who is sponsoring your education?did you keep any study plans in your application when you applied?


Feb 11, 2011
My parents are Sponsors And We show GPF And Savings At that time ......!!!

But now my issue is if i am applying for New Zealand ... Shall i Get Visa Easily .....?


Hero Member
Dec 5, 2010
Job Offer........
hi rishi

if you meet the requirements then definitely you will get the visa.


Hero Member
Feb 13, 2011

If your circumstances have not changed and you hand in the same documentary evidence than I believe you will get the same response. There is no reason to suspect otherwise. If the “bleeding heart” liberal Canadians refused you a student permit 3 times I do not hold out much hope for you with the New Zealand embassy/consulate.

Question D2 on the INZ Student Visa Application form asks “Have you ever been refused a visa?” How are you going to answer this?

Sorry about the negative but I shoot from the hip.