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Need help for student visa


Nov 2, 2009
I am a journalist and have done my MA Economics. I have been working for the last seven years and want to do a short term course in writing. I checked with Univerity of toronto, York university and Ryerson.

I would want to do a cerificate in creative writing because formally I do not have awriting degree.

However, I am not sure about visa for such programs.

I had got intersnhip in Canada recently at a university (waterloo) environment department magazine called alternatives, however my visa was denied because they thought I would not come back. I do not want to apply for a course, pay for it and then again being denied a visa. I had every document in place the first couple of time I applied for visa.

Can someone help me how I go about applying for a student visa and what are my chances for ceritificate courses?

Also, I want to take some courses as special student. This is being offered for professionals to upgrade themselves.

I have written in to professors who are willing to take me for such programs.

My issue is;

I do not understand how to convince visa officer about my home ties? My family lives here and we have property here. I do not have any relatives too in Canada.

Can someone help me?



Hero Member
Nov 21, 2009
yess property is good to show ties.
If you cant show implictly then tell explictly in your cover letter that you wannt to come back and contribute


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

hs202 said:
yess property is good to show ties.
If you cant show implictly then tell explictly in your cover letter that you wannt to come back and contribute
The OP's problem is going to be convincing the Visa office that s/he is a bona-fide student after the refusal of the work permit for the internship.



Hero Member
Aug 24, 2009
shar1406 said:
PMM: I did not quite understand your reply. Can you please explain?

Whats confusing about that?

You were denied work permit for the internship. Now if you apply for study visa that would definitely raise a doubt about ur intentions in the mind of visa officer. And u have to find a way to convince them that u don't intend to work there.


Nov 2, 2009
I realise it is important to convince the visa officer. How is my question? I have absolutely no intentions of staying back. My family is back here. Everything creates doubt. My work permit was refused because my univ did not give me an LMO. The CIC gave me the link to apply visa TRV. They again declined it as they dont think I will come back. The following was the cover letter I wrote.


High Commission of Canada
7/8 Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110 021, India
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject: Request for visa issuance
I have been invited for training and mentoring program by Alternatives, Canada's national environmental magazine since 1971.
The invitation (letter attached) is an opportunity for me to gain significant benefit and knowledge in the field of environmental publishing.
Alternatives provides an educational role for Canada and the broad environmental community. Information disseminated to the public through Alternatives Journal is intended to engage citizens; to reflect a Canadian perspective informed by an understanding of global issues; and to stimulate dialogue for exchange of information among environmental activists, academics and professionals.
As a journalist with around seven years of experience in leading publications of India, my aim to apply for this training program comes with a strong intention of learning, sharing of knowledge and resources, and coming back to India to implement environmental project through a journal where I can link academicians, schools and activists to find solutions to environmental problems. This training will help me to understand how environmental issues are prioritised and what role students play to solve the problems.
My training is for a period of six months, starting earliest by November till May. Post six months of extensive training and learning on the functioning of the magazine, I will return to India to start implementing what I learnt in Canada. This will be focus as environmental problems are the impending issues and it is most important and right time to involve and bring in youth to root it out in India. Another reason for applying to this programme is the fact that such training opportunities in India for dealing with environmental issues holistically are limited.
I would like to emphasise that I do not have any personal connections/family members/relatives in Canada. The purpose of this visit is to get trained in environmental publishing and then use that learning for sole purpose of implementation in India. I am going on self funding and will not get any stipend to support myself there. I have submitted the financial statement to take care of my expenses there for staying, travelling and living.
All the above mentioned information are the only reasons for going to Canada. If you need more details, I will be glad to furnish them.

(Sharadha Balasubramanian)

I lost an internship opportunity because of my visa. It is ironic.
Can someone please help me?


Hero Member
Nov 21, 2009
What is ur current status. What i got out of your correspondence is that first you applied for internship and got rejected visa. This time around u applied for study and sent them this cover letter (the one u attached) and got rejected again.

What is the help you are trying to seek?
where do u want tao apply and do u have acceptance letter


Nov 2, 2009
I submitted by acceptance letter along with visa app form that I have been taken as an intern. When I first applied, I was told to apply on Work visa, but they also told me that I would be LMO exempt if my work is of signficant importance in Canada. My magazine editor clearly stated that despite which LMO was asked and my visa was rejected. I re-applied again after I got the link sent to me by CIC which was applying through TRV. I reapplied with the cover letter I pasted. Howevevr, the visa officer is not convinced i will come after 6 months of internship.

So, my internship got lost as time was running out. I am looking at courses to study relating to the same area and have already written to universities. My concern here is:

My visa was rejected twice though I submitted all my documents. If I apply for a student visa to study, how do I convince them I would come back? What documents do I need to furnish to prove that I will come back. I have no intentions of staying back there.


Hero Member
Nov 21, 2009
what is LMO?

Well basically you got rejecxte twice
First for internship. The reason was LMO
Second for study. The reason was ties

did u mention abt ur property in 2nd application?

Anyways, It is really tough case but still you must give it a try. There are no special set of documents which will point that you will come back. Even if you sign an affidavit that you will come back, they cant force you to.
In my opinion, resubmit all documents and give a very honest reply. Mention that I got rejected twioce earlier but humbly requesting to apply again. In this letter you have to directly answer the apprehensions of visa officers.

For example instead of saying that I want to return because of x,y and z. Say that my visa was rejected becoz visa officer presumed that I will not return. however I will return becoz x, y and z.


Nov 2, 2009
LMO is labour market opinion and it is for people who go to Canada on work. So, the university will not give it to me.

I did not submit any property docs with my last visa app. I wrote cover letter though. Both the times I applied only for going to internship. I did not apply any student visa.

The journal where i am chosen is the official environmental mag of canada and I am merely going to get trained so that i can start something in india. This is open and honest. There is no reason for me to migrate to Canada and I want to work for India not for a developed nation. This is extremely clear. Also I have my family here, my mother who is dependent on me.

My only issue is I do not know how much more to convince a visa officer. Will it help if I just apply for a single entry visa?


Star Member
Oct 16, 2009
so u want the answer how to convience the officeer.
(1) ru married if so show ur husband/wife staying back in india.
(2) i am sure u will have aged parents ,itz better to show them as u must have to take care of them as their health was not soo good.

as ur course was for 6 months or any other course 1 yrs.
for above mentioned people u must come back to home country.

as ur visa was rejected twice better apply for any 1 yr course. and that to for some other city like vancouver,qubece


Dec 13, 2009
guys i wnted to ask a question , they always say that u dont hav enuf ties back to ur country, lets create a scenario for sake of example, a guy who is from pakistan/india/ china but presently living in uAE for long and hasnt seen his country since then , how would he proove his ties... think about it

all i can remebr now is kanye west's verse
" keep rocking n keep knocking
whether u lous vitoun it up or reebokin
see da hater they serving on a platter so wot we goin to hav dessert or disaster"

btw its a mind blowing song n metaphoric to our current situation with visa stuff :-\


Hero Member
Nov 21, 2009
The uae guy can show ties with uae (lol)

On a serious note, if you cant show ties with home country,
then show no intention of ties with canada