I just passed the test 2 weeks ago and was issued a RQ.
My arrival date in Canada is 11 years ago and I have been staying in another country for quite awhile. Also, I have traveled around the world for vacation and transit at various countries.
I have 3 passports worth of documents and am currently doing colored photocopies of them.
For the RQ, Do I have to fill in every single places I have visited and transit? That would make up to at least 30-40 entries.
(I have been in Canada the past 5years)
Also, for the 'Home and family ties' section, Do I have to provide passport copies/birth cert/proof of residence of all my family members?
As well as address of all the places I have lived or rented in the past 11 years? My memory isn't that good to remember where i stayed a decade ago
My arrival date in Canada is 11 years ago and I have been staying in another country for quite awhile. Also, I have traveled around the world for vacation and transit at various countries.
I have 3 passports worth of documents and am currently doing colored photocopies of them.
For the RQ, Do I have to fill in every single places I have visited and transit? That would make up to at least 30-40 entries.
(I have been in Canada the past 5years)
Also, for the 'Home and family ties' section, Do I have to provide passport copies/birth cert/proof of residence of all my family members?
As well as address of all the places I have lived or rented in the past 11 years? My memory isn't that good to remember where i stayed a decade ago