So this started off as unclear information on CIC page again. It says that the valid job offer is for in case you do receive your PR.
I am about to get ITA and I have my whole application ready to be submitted straight away. I got enough points to get ITA because I am currently employed on a work permit based on a LMIA and I got a valid job offer from the same employer for the next year in case I get my PR. Now my work with this employer will be done by the end of October and I was counting on a bridging open work permit to get me through the winter working other jobs until I get my PR and start working full time with same employer in April. My lawyer had to look up the law (you can't find it on CIC page) and told me that not continuing to work for the same employer full time, even after I will have submitted my PR application, will brake the rules and I will loose my admissibility points. She said that my case is so rare that she believes most CIC people probably wouldn't even pick up on that. But she still advises me against doing it.
Can I have some opinions on that?
I am about to get ITA and I have my whole application ready to be submitted straight away. I got enough points to get ITA because I am currently employed on a work permit based on a LMIA and I got a valid job offer from the same employer for the next year in case I get my PR. Now my work with this employer will be done by the end of October and I was counting on a bridging open work permit to get me through the winter working other jobs until I get my PR and start working full time with same employer in April. My lawyer had to look up the law (you can't find it on CIC page) and told me that not continuing to work for the same employer full time, even after I will have submitted my PR application, will brake the rules and I will loose my admissibility points. She said that my case is so rare that she believes most CIC people probably wouldn't even pick up on that. But she still advises me against doing it.
Can I have some opinions on that?