Need help and advise all respected members.
I am planing to apply under Federal Skilled Workers on 4th may 2013.
I am married , and my wife is pregnant i have following question please reply me.
1- Should i need to pay fee $1100($550*2) for me and as well as my wife or just pay $550 as my applicant fees
2- My brother is in canada can he pay from his credit card if incase my file return back then my fees will also easily refund back in my
brother credit card.
3-Name the courier service which i select to send my applictaion from pakistan to
Centralized Intake Office— FSW
P.O. Box 7500
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 0A9
Is the above mailing address is correct for FSW Applications in Sydney, Nova Scotia (Canada)
Need help and advise all respected members.
I am planing to apply under Federal Skilled Workers on 4th may 2013.
I am married , and my wife is pregnant i have following question please reply me.
1- Should i need to pay fee $1100($550*2) for me and as well as my wife or just pay $550 as my applicant fees
2- My brother is in canada can he pay from his credit card if incase my file return back then my fees will also easily refund back in my
brother credit card.
3-Name the courier service which i select to send my applictaion from pakistan to
Centralized Intake Office— FSW
P.O. Box 7500
Sydney, Nova Scotia B1P 0A9
Is the above mailing address is correct for FSW Applications in Sydney, Nova Scotia (Canada)